The circle is complete: a Newton emulator for the iPhone


Like a time travel scenario where you meet your grandfather when you were a child, pbadionate people working with the Einstein Newton Emulator project have worn the Prodigal PDA on the iPhone. The current implementation is only available as source code and works a bit slowly, but is a real working version of NewtonOS with handwriting recognition and familiar typing gestures.

The developer Matthias Melcher said that the speed should increase with future releases and that it carries the code on the iPad and the iPod touch. It's interesting to see how the Newton "Poof" The delete effect is similar to the one used in Mac OS X to drag items off the Finder's dock or sidebar. I wonder if it's a coincidence?

Apparently, a quote at the App Store is planned, but the chances of approval seem slim since Apple never looks back; In the end, this hacking may require a jailbreak. Anyway, emulators are a great way to keep the old technology, and the Newton was a revolutionary multi-level device.

The circle is now complete. Obi Wan would be proud.

[via Retromacast] [TUAW]

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