The composer of "Game of Thrones", Ramin Djawadi, announces the new season 8 of music


  • Ramin Djawadi composes HBO's score of "Game of Thrones" from the very beginning.
  • For the eighth and final season, Djawadi had to lock himself alone in his studio to watch the new episodes "hundreds of times" before writing new music.
  • Djawadi did not want to confirm if we would hear new instruments, but he added that there were new themes in the next episodes.
  • "I can say that there are new themes, certainly," Djawadi told INSIDER at the premiere of the eighth season of the HBO red carpet.
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The composer of "Game of Thrones", Ramin Djawadi, is one of the central artisans of the iconic HBO series since the very first episode. For the upcoming final season, he keeps the secrets of the score near his chest.

"I do not know if I should … or what I can even say at this point," Djawadi told INSIDER at the premiere of season eight in New York last week, at the request of new instruments that we will hear this season. . "I can say that there are new themes, of course, and there are many existing themes, with new iterations."

Djawadi said that last season's production was "bitter-sweet".

"It's obviously super exciting, but writing this past season has been very emotional for me," said Djawadi. "I went through all the ups and downs all alone."

He had received the episodes of the last season earlier this year, but had to watch them by himself in order to preserve the secret of the end of the show.

"It's obvious that it's so secret that even my direct team does not have access to my studio," said Djawadi. "So it was just me and no one else, all the doors were locked in. It was very moving."

Jon Snow (Kit Harington) and Daenerys Targaryen (Emilia Clarke) in "Game of Thrones" of the eighth season.
Helen Sloan / HBO

The music you hear on "Game of Thrones" is not just written by Djawadi; he himself plays most of the instruments, then badembles the individual layers into a coherent piece for the score.

Djawadi told INSIDER that he had watched the six episodes "directly" before beginning to write music.

"Then I watched them countless times, "said Djawadi, like hundreds and hundreds of times.

One of the themes addressed by INSIDER is eager to hear about the next official soundtrack, namely the music played during Jaime Lannister's highlights, including the memorable monologue on the season three tub and when Jaime is going to deal with Blackfish season six.

None of these scores have been put on the official compilations that fans can buy or broadcast. But Djawadi hopes to incorporate Jaime's theme into the soundtrack of season eight.

"Yes, definitely," says Djawadi. "Many people have approached me [about that]. It's interesting, when I prepare the material for the soundtrack, I sometimes say to myself, "Oh, this piece is too short," then everyone wonders why it's not actually part of it. "

"I think I should go back and go through all the new material and do something about it," said Djawadi.

We suggest that he publish a bonus soundtrack after the series finale.

"Yes, I think we have to do it," said Djawadi.

"Game of Thrones" begins Sunday, April 14 at 21h. AND. Stay tuned to find out if any of the new themes addressed by Djawadi actually make it the first episode of Season Eight.

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