The Computer Vision nominees at the Transform AI Innovation Awards


To crown off our IA-based Transform 2019 event, to be held July 10-11 in San Francisco, VentureBeat will recognize and reward emerging, compelling, and influential work on AI through first-ever awards. of innovation AI. We are proud to highlight the innovation through this cover, but these awards, presented by Ople, give us a chance to do it in a new way. This is the first in a series of articles highlighting candidates in each of five categories: NLP / NLU, Business Applications, Computer Vision, AI for Good and Startup Spotlight.

Computer Vision is an exciting subfield of artificial intelligence that is at the heart of applications such as facial recognition, object recognition, event detection, image restoration and scene reconstruction. – and which is quickly becoming an essential part of our daily life.


Affectiva may have a unique experience among many artificial intelligence companies since 2009. Affectiva measures the emotion of faces and applies it to practical solutions in the field of automotive, biometrics, etc. . Its data repository has been badyzed by more than 8 million faces. It uses a combination of computer vision, speech badysis and in-depth learning to create solutions and APIs that ensure the safety of drivers and their pbadengers, helping organizations to conduct market research and to better understand the researchers. human emotions.

The irony of the depth and breadth of online retail is that the personal part of shopping is often lost. brings it back in a completely new way. Instead of helping a shopkeeper to choose and try on clothes in a shop, to anticipate and suggest other clothes you would like to like, and to spend hours turning around mirrors, uses the image recognition and data to do everything with AI. The company provides a whole stack of artificial intelligence tools that companies need at a time when many retailers and consultants can understand that they need artificial intelligence for their business, without specific solutions. provides a starting point for integrating artificial intelligence in different areas of retail and reduces barriers to business entry.


Hoobox uses facial recognition to allow people to move their motorized wheelchair without having to use other limbs or numbers. Hoobox achieves this feat with deep integration with Intel's RealSense 3D camera, the OpenVINO computer vision toolbox, and a processor to power its wheelie wheelie kit. Hoobox has partnered with Intel's AI for Social Good initiative to bring Wheelie to life. Puckered lips, a smile, a stuck tongue or other expressions can give someone a lot of newfound freedom and control thanks to the Hoobox AI.

Densité.io has discovered how to use computer vision to count people to help organizations become more efficient without compromising people's privacy. The company's solution involves a small physical package – a complex sensor – that can be placed anywhere and uses two infrared beams to rate and count people pbading by without using a camera that can record faces or other identifying information. Applications in Density's technology range from room saturation detection to detecting inefficiencies in building and office use, to determining the number of times a facility is used before cleaning.

The Transform AI Innovation Awards ceremony will take place on the evening of July 11th to close Transform 2019.

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