The consolidated data platform is being tested – GRA database, SSNIT, DVLA, MMDA linked


Ms. Jemima Oware - The Registrar General

Ms. Jemima Oware – The Registrar General

The Registrar General's Department (RGD) is piloting a system that will ensure that businesses registering to operate in the country receive tax identification numbers (TINs) and business licenses issued by local bademblies.

This is possible after the integration of the RGD systems with those of the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA), the Ghana Post Office, the Social Security Fund and National Security (SSNIT) and other relevant bodies .

As a result, the ministry forced all businesses to acquire digital addresses before they could be registered to operate.

The Registrar General, Ms. Jemima Oware, who revealed this information at a press conference in Accra, had also linked the RGD systems to all 29 metropolitan, municipal and district bademblies of the region to facilitate the issuance of operating permits.

The ease of doing business

"As of today, not all companies can be registered nationwide as long as their digital addresses are not provided with other company data, which will allow us to proceed with the registration. seamlessly, "said Ms. Oware.

She added that the reform being tested should reduce the number of days needed to start a business from an average of 14 days to three days.

The goal, she explained, was to improve the ease of doing business in the country.

Ghana has improved six places in the World Bank's ease of doing business index from 120th to 114th out of 190 countries surveyed in the report.

Quick registration

As part of the business registration process aimed at making Ghana an attractive business destination, Ms. Oware said that sharing electronic business information with MMDAs would allow badembly agents to track the situation after the company has paid an operating permit electronically for a fixed fee. of GH ¢ 50.

"With the business license in place, the ministry registers the company and provides it with a 90-day interim operating license," she said.

She pointed out that as part of the reform, the department had integrated GRAs, SSNITs and MMDAs into its registration processes and had developed a single merger form to be completed by companies to serve as "fields". RGD single window data ". , SSNIT, GRA and MMDA ".

Other reforms

The Registrar General said the department would start generating unique NIFs for businesses after providing them with a national identity card by the end of March of this year.

"If we can get a driver's license, an elector's card and a Ghana card, they will be entered into the ministry's electronic registry database to generate an instantaneous automatic TIN. It will not be the same as in the past when the GRA agents take the time to validate these national identifiers, "she explained.

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