The court adjusts the case of a commercial driver and a case of assault against a partner | Social


A circuit court in Weija, hearing the case of a commercial vehicle driver and his mate allegedly badaulting a police officer on Monday, adjourned the case to 15 April.

The court adjourned the case after the defendants' lawyers, Francis Buabeng and Albert Ansah, made submissions in order to have sufficient time to study the case.

The Court then decided that the defense should study the documents on which the prosecution will rely for the trial.

The decision was based on the fact that the documents were not served on the accused.
The two suspects, Francis Buabeng and Albert Ansah, are currently on bail.

The two men were slapped with four counts of badaulting a police officer, obstructing the road, conspiracy to commit a crime and causing unlawful harm after being seen. in a video showing a policeman in uniform.

The bond has been fixed at 10,000 GHc with two bonds each.

On March 14, 2019, the driver and his mate had a conversation with the police officer, the agent Julius Mawuli Ekpe. The incident became viral after the broadcast of a video clip on social media.

The police officer had chased the driver and his companion with the help of a motorcycle after trying to escape arrest for an alleged traffic-related offense.

Both had pleaded not guilty to all charges.

Nine law practitioners had previously stormed the court to seek bail from the accused.

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