The creator of Deadpool says that "Deadpool 3" will occur


By Cameron Bonomolo

X-Force Maybe dead, but Deadpool's creator, Rob Liefeld, expects the solo franchise led by Ryan Reynolds to continue in one form or another.

"It does not concern me," Liefeld tweeted Monday. "Disney has paid $ 60 billion for Fox and Deadpool is the most valuable badet of the current market. Give more than X Men movies. "

Nothing like deadlines to clear your head … I want to say that Deadpool 3 will happen, one way or another. This does not concern me. Disney has paid $ 60 billion for Fox and Deadpool is the most valuable badet in the current market. Gives more than X-Men movies.

– robertliefeld (@robertliefeld) January 28, 2019

Disney bought $ 71.3 billion for the acquisition of 21st Century Fox, producer of X-Verse, as part of an agreement that should be finalized in early March.

Liefeld has already commented that this agreement meant X-Force – Drew Goddard, scriptwriter-director, intends to create Deadpool 2, re-equipping Reynolds with franchise newcomers Josh Brolin and Zazie Beetz as the most violent group of black X-Men operators – was probably dead in the water, qualifying the potential gross of more than 800 million dollars of "victim of the merger".

The star, co-writer and producer Reynolds, was initially uncertain Deadpool 3 As a result of the rest of last summer, a third film is under preparation, under the scribes Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick, who would lead the franchise "in a completely different direction".

In May, when the fallout seemed more obvious, Reynolds said the solo dead Pool franchise was likely to advance under the X-Force the brand image as a whole.

"I do not know that there would be a Deadpool 3. I do not really do it, "said Reynolds at the time.

"I feel like the character, so that he can work properly in his own universe, you have to take everything from him. I do not think you can continue to do that. I see him as part of X-Force, of course. I'd love to see him in a sort of team-up, like a mano a mano or a great female character from the X-Men universe. I just think that if you're going to do another dead Pool For a solo movie, you really need to, for example, reduce your budget, just swing for fences, break all sorts of weird barriers and do things that no one can do. "

Disney CEO Bob Iger has previously confirmed properties currently controlled by Fox The four fantastics, X Men and dead Pool Once the acquisition is completed, Kevin Feige and his Marvel Studios banner will come under the control of.

Although Feige remains firm, the studio has not yet implemented any projects with these characters. Such moves are legally prohibited until Disney recovers Fox's screen rights. the Marvel cinematic universe, which houses the Avengers and Black Panther franchises.

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