The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation provides grants to five organizations dedicated to the empowerment of the CF community


BETHESDA, Md .– (BUSINESS WIRE– The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation announced today the recipients of its fourth annual Impact Grant, which funds people with cystic fibrosis who are leading unique projects in their communities to help and empower people with cystic fibrosis , their family and loved ones. each.

Cystic fibrosis is a progressive genetic disease that causes persistent lung infections, limits the ability to breathe over time, and eventually leads to premature death. Thanks to improvements in treatments and care, the results for people with CF have improved dramatically, but managing the disease requires a complex and demanding care regime, as well as significant social support.

The advances in treatment and care led by the CF Foundation have added decades of life and unprecedented hope for people living with CF. "Living with a chronic condition such as cystic fibrosis can be difficult, and people who experience it have particular ideas about how to connect and serve that community, "said Drucy Borowitz, MD, vice president community partnerships at the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. "Adults living with CF and their family and friends bring new energy and perspective to help people with CF in their everyday lives. The Foundation is honored to provide resources through the Impact Grant Program to help them realize their visions. "

Recipients will receive funding of up to $ 10,000 and will be selected in consultation with the CF Adult Advisory Council, an external committee composed solely of adults with cystic fibrosis.

The recipients of the Impact 2019 grants are:

Cystic Arts by Khloe's Hope is a YouTube channel of art therapy that offers lessons in drawing, painting, carving, needle making, jewelry making and other artistic expressions so you can learn more. Help people with CF and their caregivers of all ages to overcome the emotions badociated with CF.

Fall risk: CF musicals is a CF-based musical that virtually brings people with CF to a musical theater by singing, playing instruments, writing music or lending their voice as a speaker. The participants will participate in the organization of the music for the show and the recording of a demonstration CD.

Health Promotion Summit is a one-day conference, able to attend and interact virtually, providing young adults with chronic and rare diseases with the support, knowledge and skills to become powerful advocates for their interests and those of their communities through discussion sessions and speakers.

virtual choir sINgSPIRE is a virtual choir from the Breathe Bravely sINgSPIRE program in which people living with CF receive music and voice badignments, connect via online group video rehearsals, and record their individual parts together to create a unified choral piece.

Salt Life: A Cystic Fibrosis Magazine by the Salty Foundation is a print magazine that presents all the demographics of the CF community and highlights important topics by sharing the perspectives of children, adults and families affected by CF.

Applications for the 2020 Impact Grants will open in January 2020. For more information on the Impact Grants Program, visit

About the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation

The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation is the world leader in the search for a cure for cystic fibrosis. The CF Foundation funds more CF research than any other organization, and almost all CF drugs available today have been made possible with the support of the CF Foundation. Headquartered in Bethesda, Maryland, the CF Foundation also supports and accredits a national network of care centers that has been recognized by the National Institutes of Health as a model of care for a chronic disease. The CF Foundation is a non-profit organization supported by donors. For more information, visit

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