The Dark Pictures Anthology: The Medan Man Received an Exact Date



Anthology Pictures: The Medan Man

At the end of the summer, we can take a boat to approach the ship Medan.

05/24/2019. 10:27 | on GeryG | Category: Game

the Supermbadive Games Last year, they announced that they would have released the exclusive PlayStation 4 for a new series. It will be The Dark Pictures Anthology, which will include a series of games that are in the universe, which they have already dreamed of, but which are independent of each other. That's why these games will also offer a complete gaming experience to get to know the other episodes.

The advantage of this is that they can tell a much more varied story in style and quality than they already have in the studio, and this, in a slightly faster time than ever before. habit. The disadvantage is that such a story should not be too long …

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The Dark Pictures Anthology: The Medan Man - Comscom Test Clbad "clbad =" embed-content-image

The Dark Pictures Anthology: The Medan Man – Gamescom Rehearsal
The Supermbadive Games team can now show you whether it is a studio at a stroke or a revival.
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Finally, how does it finally fade, in the first round Anthology Pictures: The Medan Man when he appears. The ghostly story of the day has finally received a first exact date. According to this, we have to wait until the end of the summer, which will take place on August 30 on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. The date was unveiled by the creators in a new overview.

The game is available at pre-order and will receive the Curator's version Cut on the first day. Once you have completed the game, the Curator's Cut menu opens, offering you an alternative route to the story with new players, new scenes and new secrets. Thus, we can take control of characters who are only NPCs in the base game. Curator's Cut will arrive free for all other players. ■

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Anthology Pictures: The Medan Man

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