The drama of Wendy Williams continues: inside the pile of problems that plagues the talk show host


As a person who makes a judgment on the issues of the rich and celebrities of high perched daytime television for more than a decade, Wendy Williamsknows how much the demand for answers can be heated.

This time, it's Williams who has everyone asking questions.

The last perfect storm of natural and man-made disasters is swarming around the talk show host and seasoned author, who debuted in 2019 with an unexplained first "extended break" of his eponymous subscribed issue, having closed 2018 with certainty, in pain and nowhere. near the top of her game – which, when she's on it, makes her date for all those who want to let off steam take the most pressing stories of the day.

"I sincerely apologize if you feel that the show today is less than brilliant," Williams wrote on Instagram, evoking a wave of concern for his well-being. to be after a violent episode broadcast on December 20th. "I'm on your TV screens Everyday, she missed a recording on December 17 and fainted on her show for Halloween, attributing it later to dehydration and overheating. his shining suit Statue of Liberty.

"As I had announced earlier in the week," she continued, "I have a fractured scalp on my arm, which hurts me a lot." I never broke a bones or fracture of my life.In the key place where the fracture exists, and trying to do too much and overdo it, I'm now paying the price.I have never taken any medicine for the pain of my life (except when I was ripped off more than 20 years ago) until this week to make you go out and try to offer you a great show against the best judgment of the many people around me who sincerely care about my well-being, I go up or die really for my job and give 200%. "

She mentioned her ongoing fight against the thyroid ("do not cry for me, Argentina," she advised maliciously) and thanked her fans for their support and wishes.

"I promise you a better Wendy in 2019. I'm going to rest and look after myself for the next few weeks … Sorry, I love you all, have a great holiday!"

But she missed her scheduled return date on January 7th, and the return date of January 21st also pbaded.

No explanation was available at the moment, but on January 18, Williams 'family reported that she was being treated for complications of Graves' disease, an autoimmune disease she had been diagnosed a year ago, and who was considering "a lot of time spent in the hospital." She was taking an "extended break … to focus on her personal and physical well-being".

Entertainment distributor Debmar-Mercury said in a statement: "For more than a decade, Wendy has been an essential part of the Debmar-Mercury family and we wholeheartedly support Wendy's decision to take the time she needs and we will welcome it with open arms, just when it is ready. "

New episodes of Wendy Williams's show had to start on January 28 with guest guests … and they finally started with Nick Cannon as the first of a few fills on February 4th.

"I spoke to Wendy", the former America has talent The host said he was starting his week with Williams. "I talked to her! And honestly, she looked awesome, all of you – we jumped on the phone and the first thing she said," sliding into an impression of Wendy, "Nick Cannon, how are you?!"

"Honestly, I did not know what to expect at first," Cannon continued, "but his mind was so big, it was so amazing, and you know what was also really great?" I had a conversation with her and all her family and she said that they wanted to talk as a family unit – she, I talked to Kevin, the little Kevin, they said that 's okay? they were all good.Love and pbadion are always there – because that's what you need in times like this: your family to stay with you! "

More on that later.

"She knows that there are probably a lot of questions that we have not answered," added the host, "but as a person who also deals with an auto-illness immune [Cannon has lupus]I know that when you go through these things and these flareups, you never know. It's day after day, you all. "

And with that, rumors began to swirl even louder.

As she had missed her departure date in January, the curious ones wondered if Williams actually had any health problems or if it was his personal life that required him to pay attention full time.

In September 2017, she acknowledged that she had become the hot topic in the light of a Daily mail investigation of her husband and business partner Kevin HunterThe double life of, which involved living part-time with another woman.

"One plus one is not equal to 3. This woman is a friend of Mr. Hunter but there is no" there ", said a representative of Williams at E! News at the time.

"I'm standing by my guy," Williams said on his show, showing his diamond ring. "We shuttled this morning, the paparazzi were outside and caught me in the cutest of the careless … Everything is going well in Hunterville, do not believe the hype and, s & # There was hype, believe me, I'll let you know! "

Williams and Hunter, her second husband, have been married since 1997 and are 19-year-old parents. Kevin Hunter Jr.

Hunter would also be the father of a girl and his girlfriend. Sharina Hudson, according to Page Six and Love B Scott (revealing that Williams had sent a letter to quit and abstain in response to a report that Hunter might have put Hudson's pregnant).

E! News could not independently confirm that the baby was Hunter's. Hudson left the Philadelphia Hospital on Sunday.

"There can be negativity here, and she hears people talking about her family unit," Cannon said last month, "and what's going on … and she thought," You know what, we do not do it "Do not want to bring that negative energy when you're trying to heal, and you need your family and friends in times like this, and that's when love really comes to the test, when you know that I will persevere, no matter what happens. "

OK, but what was going on sure? Really?

Williams did not return to his post until this month, leaving plenty of time for the "ever returns ?!" hysteria to install.

Wendy Williams, Kevin Hunter

AP Photo / Charles Sykes

In fact, after just a few days of work from Cannon, reported that staff members were making requests to set up a hosting system, and that they thought Cannon could would integrate perfectly.

"I mean, it's probably time for Wendy to leave the show," said a fed up source. "She's no longer authentic.How can she discuss hot topics while the biggest subject involves her husband cheating on her publicly for years?" It's really sad to think that Wendy would have more respect for herself and that she would get up, reject her husband cheat, take control of her business and empower women who are living the same. "

In 2013, a source told the New York Daily News that Hunter had become a dominant presence on the set, demanding that guest reservations and other important decisions be made first by him, and it was incomprehensible to those who knew Williams to be the most powerful force with which he it was usually what she allowed. him to act that way. At that time, Love B Scott also reported that show directors would prefer that Hunter not be there.

Meanwhile, one of the insiders told Mail Online: "We all want Nick to replace Wendy.He's an absolute dream.All members of the team love him and he is a such professional. "

Cannon quickly put an end to this situation by posting on Instagram on February 8: "No one can replace Wendy !!! There's only one Wendy Williams! I'm a fan." J & # 39; send out positive vibrations and I pray for the queen and she will be happy, she will be back on television in a short time! "

On the paperwork side, Wendy Williams's show is renewed for the 2019-2020 season and Williams has herself a contract with Lionsgate that lasts until 2022.

Last week, she also received her fourth appointment to the Emmy Daymy as the host of an exceptional entertainment talk show.

Williams said Fortune in 2017, "I think authenticity is the name of the game" and she did not have time to worry about being kind. Sure The Howard Stern show In July, she says, talking about making the world go by her show, "The sauce is in a support staff." My staff, they can call me anytime, but I also have another life, and this other life "the healthy guard of spirit. .

"I take a nap, I take care of our son, I prepare a dinner," Williams said. "It's the thing … that keeps my mind healthy, so when I get up in the morning, I'm normal."

And, two years later, despite anonymous rumors, it's not like the staff was running to the hills.

Last month, another source of broadcast told Mail Online: "Remember, the show calls Wendy. She needs to come back with Wendy Williams. But when she comes back, she'd better not bring Kevin back with her because we're all fed up with him. . "

Wendy Williams

In her moving return to her show on March 4, Williams – who was spotted in early February in Florida, where her parents live, fueling the speculation that she was about to end her marriage – spoke of rumors that were circulating on her and Hunter, the situation between them is again a hot topic.

After thanking her audience for having waited and talked about hyperthyroidism and problems related to Grave's illness that she had faced in her spare time (and her weight, as always), she added, "I want to scream at my husband.I'm always wearing my ring.

"Believe me, when you're with someone for 28 years … married for 25 years … we know each other … it's my best friend, it's my love, it's all that and it's all that, I know what you've seen and I know what the streets are talking about. "

By taking a picture taken "before any plastic surgery", she jokes, says Williams, "let me show you who I fell in love with and who he fell in love with.I'm always me in the head and I'm still very much in love with my husband. "

Wendy Williams, Kevin Hunter

Bernard Smalls for the Hunter Foundation

But some fans, as well as his staff apparently, are wondering Why.

Hunter and Williams have a complex but extraordinarily dedicated story, and their volatility as a couple has spread throughout his show, in which Hunter – who is also the manager of his wife and partner Wendy Williams Productions – is an executive producer.

She caught him cheating when their son was about a month old. As she detailed in her 2001 brief Wendy's hotshe heard a phone conversation between him and another woman while his parents stayed with them to help the baby.

However, Williams chose to forgive him and insisted on Vlad TV in 2013 to explain to him that his infidelity and subsequent forgiveness "made our marriage – and I know it's a cliché, but it's True – it reinforced our marriage – no return to the girl I was in front of him, because when you're stung like that, you never go back to who you were. Only a madman does it. "

She acknowledged that a younger version of herself would never have considered taking back a cheater ", but I did and I do not regret it. Is a double standard when it comes to cheating I think you, men, are just sometimes so neandertal that you could never stand your cheating wife, a man putting paws on your meat.But women have to face because of this, many of us at some point in our lives. "

Williams concluded unsurprisingly that during his first show, anyone who was married for 5 minutes or 500 years, you know that weddings have ups and downs. Weddings are not easy. Do not ask me questions before seeing this [ring] gone and he's not going anywhere – not in this life. "

Well, that bling is still on her finger when the cameras are spinning, but she may not have expected the photographers to interrupt her on March 25 with her naked left hand.

Fool her once, shame on her. This ring was return when she was seen meeting Hunter in New York after her Pilates clbad on Wednesday, following reports that he had a new baby with his mistress.

But while she continues to present a strong front with Hunter, Williams has opened up to other struggles with his audience.

On March 19, she recounted that she lived in a sober house "for some time now, and even today and beyond."

"When you see me coming to work, icy, right after the show I'm going through on the street, I do my Pilates, I told you, two hours a day or I like to take care of my body, and you know that I've been fighting cocaine in the past, and I've never been treated, I do not know how, except that God was sitting on my shoulder and I I'm arrested. "

(Williams' old "habit of cocaine three grams a day" occupies an important place in Wendy's hot, in which she wrote that she "sniffed and smoked" when she first met her husband. She also wrote that being around him "also made me give up cocaine". She did not go to rehab, she was rather "weaned". )

A day in life was like this: "After my visit to Pilates, I attend several meetings all over the city, in the Three States Region, and I see my brothers and sisters trapped in their dependency and looking for help They do not know I'm Wendy, they do not care, I'm Wendy, there are no autographs, there's nothing. are the brothers and sisters who are caught in the fight.It's really interesting.This ride. "

Wendy Williams's show

Her husband and son were the only people around her to know it until then, she said. (Williams also revealed that she and Kevin's Hunter Foundation, an badociation created in 2014 to help people with addictions, had just launched a 24-hour hotline, the 888-5HUNTER (888-548-6837).)

"After finishing my appointments, after seeing my brothers and sisters, breaking bread, I am led by my sober 24-hour trainer to my home where I live here, in the State of Three, with a group of smelly boys become my family, "continued Williams. "They hang on the television and watch the football, we talk, we read and discuss and we read, then I'm bored of them.The doors are locked at 10 pm The light goes out At 10 pm I go to my room and I staring at the ceiling and I go to sleep to wake up and come back here to see you, so it's my truth. "

From which rumors advancing that Wiliams had fallen from the wagon to the light of baby reports. But not only was Williams back to work as usual Wednesday, but Hunter was also on the plateau, according to TMZ.

"Today 's session was great," said an audience member at E! News after Wednesday's recording. "Her energy was really high and you could not say that she had all that, she looked fragile, though, she was helped on stage by her bodyguard, but she really seemed to put a face on." brave, she never discussed what's going on with her husband. "

Another member of the audience also noticed that the bodyguard was helping Williams to move.

Another person added, "It was great today.You would not know that she is going through such a difficult time." At the same time, several people noted that she was not posing for selfies or interacting with the public, other than thanking him for being there.

Next week, the show will be paused for spring break and will be available again on April 8th.

The public did not see Hunter yesterday, but this is not unusual because it is usually behind the scenes.

After Williams talked about the sober house last week, he said Entertainment tonight this – similar to what they all told Nick Cannon last month – they were all in the same boat.

"Wendy is fine, we are doing well with the family," said Hunter. "We are going forward working on its sobriety and helping others, not just ourselves, it's a family process – anyone who needs to manage this knows it, a family process." and we take care of it and move on. "

Wherever advance leads.

-With Jessica Finn

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