The Duchess chooses flagship events rather than good causes


Like many things that the Windsor family has adopted, such as anglicized names, Instagram and middle clbad marriage, maternity leave is a relatively new royal concept.

When the queen had her four children, she does not take so much maternity leave from her monarchical duty, she mysteriously disappears from view for a few months before reappearing, carrying a lovely new baby, several months later.

Thus, for contemporary royal moms, there is no strict rule, no specific directive to follow diligently when you search Google, Givenchy or not a postpartum mission.

This explains why Meghan's maternity leave, the Duchess of Susbad, is like a minefield of public relations.

In the two months since Archie was born, the cases in which the 37-year-old woman chose to get rid of her cashmere sweatpants to return to her place in the spotlight were also revealed. in addition to controversial.

Her first appearance took place on June 8th at Trooping the Color, the Queen's birthday celebration. Meghan did her best by wearing a very expensive hat and waving like the best of them. Full of points!

Things got complicated later, with her decision to accompany her husband, Prince Harry, on June 29, during a major baseball competition, while her trip to Wimbledon on July 4th made the headlines. newspapers for the wrong reasons. (The fact that its protection officers instruct spectators who are not allowed to photograph the royal, even though it was in a large public space equipped with television cameras, gave rise to a comparison of Marie Antoinette geysers. )

During the night, Meghan again took a break from her maternity leave, this time to give a small number of $ 4924 from Jason Wu in order to get to the premiere in London of The Lion King and kiss Beyonce.

All this raises the embarrbading question of how the 37-year-old woman chooses which events to prepare for and which ones to miss, while she is on a break with her official duties as Duchess.

Because so far, the outings she chose to tend to focus on glamor, Beyonce and Instagram.

At the same time, over the past month, there have been other official releases for which it would have seemed logical that Meghan potentially shows up, but she did not do it.

For example, June 6 was the 75th anniversary of D-Day. Harry highlighted the occasion by donning his Blues and Royals military frock coat and meeting with World War II veterans on Chelsea's Founder's Day.

As the wife of a veteran herself, it would have been perfectly logical for Meghan to join, even briefly, her husband to thank her for the men and women who fought so bravely. Staying with Harry on such a significant day would have created an indelible image of his commitment to his adopted homeland.

(Yes, it's only a month after Archie's birth, but two days later, Meghan continues to play for Trooping the Color.) Symbolic events as important are achievable for her.)

Meghan also did not choose to leave her rug for the Commonwealth Youth Roundtable, to which Harry willingly rallied on July 11, while she was vice-president of the Commonwealth Youth Commonwealth Trust and President of the Association of Commonwealth Universities. Beyond Meghan's official relations, given that the Susbad have worked feverishly to pose as global youth ambbadadors, his presence would have strengthened this image.

Like Harry 's July 2 National Youth Mentoring Summit, Harry, in his slightly crumpled gray suit, went solo, ready to shake hands and activate the charm.

No one would question Meghan's choice not to participate in these outings (let's entertain ourselves less amusing and less amusing without Beyoncé) if she came out of the limelight decisively for the duration of her maternity leave. The problem is that the events that Meghan took part in on behalf of "work" do not require sitting around large tables covered with tiny flags, discussing political initiatives or meeting nonagenarians.

That said, I am absolutely aware that Meghan is the mother of a newborn. To this add stress and insomnia levels that one normally does not see apart from an enhanced interrogation session at Guantánamo Bay.

We do not know if Meghan had the best intentions of attending the birthday of D-Day, but that day, Archie was sick. Similarly, she may have had a particularly difficult night before the Commonwealth Youth Roundtable.

However, no matter what happens behind Frogmore Cottage's huge hedge, Meghan has left many people in the picture to interest her more in the events that reinforce her star power than in those with the darker aspects of the HRH.

If the Duchess wants to kiss baseball players and Beyonce and spend an afternoon watching a girlfriend play tennis, then that is what she does all the other afternoons that matter. And after all, would not it have been nice if we also had a picture of his D-Day veterans in their arms?

Daniela Elser is a royal expert and freelance writer. Continue the conversation @DanielaElser

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