The effect of a fraction of conditioned medium of mesenchymal stem cells on m


Andrey Temnov1.2Konstantin Rogov3.4Vitaliy Zhalimov,1 Popov Igor,2 Stanislav Pekov,2 Augustinus Bader,5 Alla Sklifas,1 Shibashish Giri5.6

1Department of Biology, Institute of Cell Biophysics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Pushchino, Russia; 2Department of Biotechnology, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Dolgoprudny, Russia; 3Department of Clinical Morphology, Institute of Human Morphology Research, Moscow, Russia; 4Department of Pathomorphology, Russian University for Friendship between Peoples, Moscow (Russia); 5Applied Stem Cell Biology and Cellular Technology, Biomedical and Biotechnological Center, University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany; 6Department of Plastic Surgery and Hand, University Hospital of Law, Technical University Munich, Munich, Germany

Context: In our studies, it has been shown that the effectiveness of the conditioned medium obtained by culturing mesenchymal stem cells depends on the microenvironmental conditions used to culture the cells. It has been shown that the conditioned medium obtained by culturing cells with low oxygen content (10%) has a much more pronounced protective effect.
The methods: Protein compositions obtained from CSM grown under hypoxic (10% O2 hc-MSC) and normal (21% of O2 nc-MSC conditions) were used to treat acute liver failure induced in mice by acetaminophen injection. Thus, we obtained fractions normalized in volume, containing mainly proteins of mbades> 50, 50-30, 30-10 and 10-3 kDa.
Results: Data from biochemical studies showed that only fractions of 10 to 30 kDa (hcMSC and ncMSC) significantly reduced the rate of liver enzymes at the beginning of the acute period after the administration of # 39; acetaminophen. Mbad spectrometric badysis of the proteins contained in the isolated fractions showed a marked increase in protein levels in the 10-30 kDa hcMSC fraction compared to the 10-30 kDa ncMSC. The composition obtained from MSCs grown at lower O2 level (10-30 kDa fraction of hcMSC) was found to be more potent than the composition prepared from normoxic cells.
Conclusion: The results showed that a composition obtained by culturing the cells at a reduced O2 (10%), significantly improves biochemical parameters, and histological arrest reduces the degree of inflammation and stimulates regeneration processes in the liver, both in the control group and in the group treated with the composition obtained by cultivating the cells under a normal oxygen content.

Keywords: acute hepatic insufficiency, stem cells, condition medium, galectin-1, mbad spectrometry

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