The endless Brexit of May leaves the UK exhausted


Everyone is completely exhausted, but there is no end in sight.

On Monday night, the British Parliament failed to win a majority vote on an alternative project to Theresa May's treaty on Brexit. Despite a second day of extremely unusual circumstances in which they took control of debates in the House of Commons, lawmakers could not defeat the Prime Minister's game.

Tuesday, the ball is back in his camp. This is what she will do next, which could allow a party to declare victory.

As the deadlock in Parliament approaches its fifth month, there is talk of more and more general elections.

On Tuesday, May will preside over a gigantic five-hour cabinet meeting, the first three hours of which will be purely political, with no officials, which means that only Conservative affairs can be discussed. This detail fueled rumors that the prime minister was considering the elections as a way to get more clarity and, in theory, to get a mandate for one type of Brexit rather than another.

Downing Street has publicly insisted that an election was not planned – but May's badociates certainly discussed it because other options are exhausting. However, from the Prime Minister's point of view, an election now would be too risky and could put the Labor opposition party under Jeremy Corbyn in power.

At the Cabinet meeting on Tuesday, there will likely be fierce disagreement on a path forward. There are only 10 days left before the new Brexit deadline of 12 April and, as it stands, the UK has to leave the EU without any agreement.

No consensus

The next, simplest step is for the Prime Minister to attempt for the fourth time to submit his Brexit accord to the House of Commons, after being rejected three times.

This scenario would be extremely optimistic, given that legislators voted last week by a majority of 58 against. But at least this margin of defeat was reduced with each new vote: the first got a 230 majority against May's agreement, the most important of British political history against a government, while the second had a margin of 149.

Perhaps, by noting the lack of support for an alternative, a sufficient number of its own deputies (deputies) and some crucial opposition legislators who are eager to switch to Brexit could reverse their vote.

But there is also the possibility that legislators get a third day of control of the Commons, offering another opportunity for more so-called indicative votes on an alternative plan. This could happen Wednesday, with a significant vote on May's plan potentially on Thursday.

Four "soft Brexit" options were proposed Monday night in the Commons, all of which were rejected: an ongoing customs union with the EU, the Common Market 2.0, which would allow the UK to retain access to the single market, a security system that would leave the door open for the revocation of Article 50 and the suspension of Brexit, as well as for a second referendum.

The nearest vote concerned a customs union, with a majority of three against. The narrowness of the results gives hope to lawmakers in search of a compromise and trying to prevent the UK from separating from the EU without an agreement on Friday. next.

It has also been suggested that Soft-Brexit licensors should present a motion combining the aspects of two or more of the alternative options in order to achieve critical mbad.

All that is possible

Before any further votes can take place, however, May must have completed her five hour cabinet meeting without anyone resigning.

The number of Cabinet ministers favoring a non-agreement would have reached the double digits, and some of them are about to resign today, especially if a third one is suggested. indicative voting day. This group could put pressure on the Prime Minister to accept a Brexit without agreement – in the absence of support for anything else.

Similarly, some ministers in favor of a more moderate Brexit or a continuation in the EU could resign if it would avoid a non-market and would support a customs union or similar agreement. This second group of ministers will be interesting to watch because if they left the government, they would be free to support another compromise.

But this battle of wills marathon has shown that anything can happen.

May and his government have strongly opposed a second referendum on Brexit, but the Times of London has announced that Philip Hammond, Minister of Finance May, will tell the Cabinet that another national vote should be considered.

According to the newspaper, it will argue that the country and the government can not afford general elections, but a referendum must be held unless the prime minister considers a compromise.

At this point, and after so many weeks, is anyone able to finish the match and solve the Brexit?

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