The exercise you should and should not do if you are diabetic, lifestyle, health


Exercise and physical activity are considered essential for people with diabetes because they help control the levels of sugar in the body.

However, not all types of exercises are recommended because some movements will actually worsen the patient's condition.

The president of the Indonesian Association of Endocrinology (PERKENI), Ketut Suastika, said at that one type of exercise not recommended was intense anaerobic or physical activity . Weightlifting, jump rope and pumps are examples of such activity.

According to Ketut, these activities can create oxidative stress in the body, which will increase blood sugar levels and possibly complicate the patient's health condition.

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"Let's take the example of weight lifting, if this is done by diabetic patients with diabetic retinopathy or retinal disorders in the eye, this can speed up blindness," he said. said at a recent event in Jakarta.

The recommended exercise is the opposite, namely aerobics, which can help control blood sugar levels. Walking and jogging are examples of physical activity of this type.

Ketut recommends doing exercise 30 minutes a day.

"At least 150 minutes a week, so if you skip two days on weekends, it's still going, it's a method that's really effective for [keeping in check] your diabetes, "he said.

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