The fastest Mac in the world is now a hackintosh



Apple's fastest Mac is the 12-core Mac Pro with two 2.93 GHz Xeon processors. Set it up with 25GB of DDR3 ECC SDRAM and Apple's fastest Mac will cost $ 8,749.00.

Yowza. It is an extraordinary sum. If you do not mind losing $ 300 more, you might be interested in Macintouch's guide to build not Apple's fastest Mac, but the world the fastest Mac yourself.

According to Macintouch's tests, their monstrosity Hackintoshed – a total beast of a machine running two Westmere hexacore processors at 3.33 GHz, overclocked at 4.2 GHz and equipped with 24 GB of DDR3 RAM – melted the face of the Mac Pro .

Of course, this approach has many disadvantages, including compatibility issues and a much more powerful system than the Mac Pro, as well as a desktop footprint that gives the Pro a compact appearance. But at the moment, it seems that a Hackintosh is the fastest Mac in the world. May God help us.

[via Hardmac]

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