The first Lupine III 3D movie trailer looks … not so good?


Illustration for the article entitled The first 3D film of Lupine III: an appearance ... not so good?

taking Lupine III its stunning 2D style and make it a modern 3D animation movie sounds like a recipe for disaster, but in one way or another, this first trailer of Lupine III the first Seems well!

I mean, we're stuck with natural light and color palettes, as with most other 3D movies, but the characters themselves are pretty beautiful given the circumstances. As if they had just taken the 2D casting of the manga / anime and were able, thanks to the magic of the cinema, to pan the camera in the corners.

A bit like the Dragon Quest movie trailer, then. And certainly an improvement over the last time Lupine III deviated from the 2D animation.

The film will be released in Japan on December 6th.

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