The first words of Griezmann as a Barcelona player


Antoine Griezmann said it was time to join Barcelona after making an expected change to Atletico Madrid.

The French striker signed a five-year contract after Barca agreed to start his Release clause of 120 million euros.

Griezmann was apparently ready to join Barça last year to confirm at a television documentary he was staying at Atletico.

And the attacker recognized that half-turn in his first public comments since he became a Barca player on Friday.

"When I was little, my father taught me that trains do not run once, "Said Griezmann in a video posted on Twitter by Barcelona.

"Now is the time to meet the challenge of a new destination. Finally, our paths intersect. I will defend the colors of Barca with all my determination and commitment. It's our time. "

July 12, 2019

The saga does not seem to be over, like Atletico insisting that Barcelona should have paid 200 million euros activate its release clause. They discuss the conditions agreed between France International and Barca before his clause fell on July 1st.

"Atletico Madrid think the contract has ended before the end of last season due to events, acts and events performed by the player and that's why he [the club] has already initiated the procedures that it deems appropriate for the defending his rights and legitimate interests, "said the club's statement.

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