The five most dangerous bugs you'll find in British Columbia.


Arachnophobia is not an unusual phobia, and for good reason – spider bites can kill. Yet most spiders pose no threat or no threat. And, fortunately, most local insects are relatively harmless.

Media Glacier She spoke with Erin Lisso, Victoria Bug Zoo Outreach Coordinator, about the insects she believes pose the greatest threat to British Columbians.

"Most insects in BC are relatively harmless," she says. "Although some of them may bite and possibly leave a mark, they are not going to cause any significant problems."

Lisso adds that other insects, even nightmarish ones, tend to look more harmful than they actually are.

Nevertheless, there are some scary species that could be problematic for British Columbia. the residents. Take a look at some of the most problematic creatures below.


dangerous insects
Photo: deer tick

Ticks may not look dangerous and scary, but their bites can lead to a range of diseases and even death. In addition, these tiny creatures sink into the skin and must be removed with the help of a tweezers.

"Climate change does not help the situation either. In fact, tick populations are increasing rapidly because the Canadian climate is warming, "says Lisso. "They were not able to survive here before, and now they are starting to prosper."

Ticks can carry four or five different bacterial diseases such as Lyme disease and ehrlichiosis. As a result, it is crucial that the tiny pests are removed from the skin as soon as they are discovered. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that ticks should not be bent or shaken; this can cause the rupture of the mouthparts and their maintenance in the skin. "

Lisso notes that not all ticks are dangerous, but blacklegged ticks are the biggest threat to humans.


dangerous insects
Photo: Mosquitoes / Shutterstock

Mosquitoes are one of the most common parasites in the province and generally do not pose a major threat. However, these miniature threats may carry diseases such as malaria, dengue and West Nile virus. That said, they pose the greatest threat to at-risk populations such as the elderly, children and people whose immune systems are already compromised.

Wasps / Hornets

dangerous insects
Photo: Wasps / Shutterstock

Although bees are usually quite docile, wasps can become extremely aggressive. In addition, their nests are often difficult to discern along trails and undergrowth, and people can walk there accidentally. Since a number of people are allergic to wasp and hornet bites, this poses a significant threat to their health. And while bees bite once, wasps are repeat offenders. Bees usually have their needles stuck in people's skin and therefore do not have the ability to sting twice. In contrast, the wasp sting remains intact. A serious allergic reaction to a sting is called anaphylaxis, which occurs when your body goes into shock.

Black widows

dangerous insects
Photo: Black Widows / Shutterstock

The venom of Black Widow would be four times more powerful than that of a rattlesnake, but its sting would produce a considerably smaller dose. That said, their bites, like all other venoms, will affect people differently. Although no deaths have been reported locally, some people may be affected.

"Overall, although they have the most potent venom of all spiders in British Columbia, they are generally not dangerous to humans," says Lisso. "They are reclusive and quite shy – they tend to avoid conflict."

The Okanagan has the highest concentration of tiny black arachnids. They are usually found in cellars, basements, loggers and other dark and hidden places. Their canvases are not particularly clever – they are known as the spider "entanglement of canvases". So, if you see a really messy website, be careful.

Introduced species

Scorpion Vancouver
Dewdney Animal Hospital Ltd. / Facebook

They may look super cool, but a scorpion is probably one of the last insects you would like to find crawling in your kitchen. This is exactly what happened to a woman from Vancouver after returning from vacation in Cuba.

Fortunately, the scorpion was safely removed from his home and transported to the Dewdney Veterinary Hospital in Maple Ridge. From there, the small predator was taken to the Victoria Bug Zoo, home to more than 50 species of bedbugs from around the world. Insect Zoo experts have determined that the scorpion, named Gail in the honor of its discoverer, is a less venomous species known as the Cuban Scorpion or Heteroctenus Garridoi. However, many "stowaways" are not harmless.

The Victoria Bug Zoo staff confirmed in an online message that the scorpion had about 20 offspring and that the entire scorpion family was doing well.

– Elana Shepert, Vancouver is Awesome

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