The former Gambian president stole $ 1 billion – Report | General news


Former Gambian President Yahya Jammeh "orchestrated the embezzlement of nearly $ 1 billion in public funds," according to a report by the Organized Crime Reporting and Corruption Project (OCCRP).

Mr. Jammeh, currently in exile in Equatorial Guinea, has not responded to the charges, according to the OPCRP.

The team of investigative reporters examined thousands of documents stemming from Mr. Jammeh's 22-year reign, which ended in 2017 after the defeat of the little-known presidential challenger, Adama Barrow, at the polls.

The Gambian Minister of Justice, Abubacarr Tambadou, had previously accused Mr. Jammeh of illegally withdrawing $ 50 million of public funds over a period of 10 years.

But the PECRP says that the total figure is much higher.

One of the journalists involved, Mark Anderson, spoke with James Copnall of BBC Newsday about the findings:

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