The G20 will adopt in June a regulation on money laundering relating to cryptography and the financing of the fight against terrorism: report


The G20 countries will meet on June 8-9 in Fukuoka, Japan, to discuss international anti-money laundering (AML) regulations in the area of ​​cryptocurrency. The news was revealed in a Kyodo local media report on April 4th.

According to the report and in accordance with official plans, G20 central bank governors and finance ministers will attend the meeting. The event will focus on the establishment of a framework against money laundering and the financing of terrorism using encrypted means.

In addition, according to Kyodo, "it was revealed" on April 4 that countries should reach agreement on new regulations during this meeting. The report states that the main objective is the anti-anonymity. In particular, the group would seek to establish a stricter identification of those performing cryptographic transactions at the time of the transaction, in order to preserve the transparency of badet flows.

As reported Cointelegraph last December, the G20 countries have already called for "a tax system for cross-border electronic payment services" as well as a regulation to combat money laundering. It was reported at the time that the member countries, which later met in Argentina, would consider the issue at this year's meeting "while Japan will be the summit chairman".

In March, the founder and CEO of the UK-based online banking application Revolut, publicly denied allegations of money laundering and negligence committed by the company .

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