The Ghanaian economy is doing well thanks to the nuclear power station – Samira Bawumia


General News of Monday, April 1, 2019



Samira Bawumia cooking Second Lady of Ghana, Samira Bawumia

The second lady, Samira Bawumia, said the country's economy was growing at a faster pace under the current administration of NPP, describing it as a success in the history of the Fourth Republic.

"We have more than doubled our economic growth while reducing the rapid rate of borrowing and the accumulation of public debt," she said in addressing party members at the meeting. Regional Conference of Ashanti Nuclear Power Plant and the inauguration of its working committee in Kumasi on Saturday. March 30, 2019.

She then called on the youth of the new Patriotic Party (NPP) to strive and work hard to keep the NPP in power for a long time.

At the same time, she reiterated that the government claimed to keep its promises in two years, including the Free SHS program, the reinstatement of stipends paid to trainees in the areas of teaching, nursing and the practice of wise -woman, among others.

"When we talk about development, no country has developed without a literate population. It is therefore a measure that enables the government, in the short, medium and long term, to realize its potential. We have employed 100,000 people as part of the NABCO program.

"We have reinstated the training allowance for nurses and teachers. We issue national identity cards that the NDC could not issue for eight years. We delivered a national digital address system. We have established three development authorities; North, middle and coastal. We have reduced the rates of electricity. We have expanded the LEAP program.

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