The gluten-free lean diet, a balanced diet, reliable and healthy – The Hudson Independent


by Linda Viertel –

YWe are what you eat, "but for those who suffer from celiac disease, gluten intolerance or gluten allergy, eating can become a mine of difficulties. Whether you dine at home, at a restaurant or at a friend's house, the challenge is always to stay true to your dietary needs. But help is on the way with gluten-free guides, published by Mari Productions, LLC in Sleepy Hollow (

Maria Roglieri, Ph.D.

These guides, written by local resident Maria Roglieri, provide advice to gluten-free travelers in several cities and countries. His latest addition is a well-researched guide to gluten-free weight loss, The lean without gluten, a compilation of informative details on how to lose weight with a gluten-free diet. Her own gluten-free celiac touring experience for 16 years and having lost weight thanks to her thorough knowledge of the disease has helped develop an informative and thoughtful guide as well as a nutritional plan.

The book is filled with engaging personal stories, historical descriptions of ancient cereals, compelling scientific explanations and recipes that will help people with gluten intolerance choose foods wisely for the purpose of losing weight . Roglieri offers sound advice for staying healthy and having a healthy diet, while enjoying a variety of alternative foods that will reduce weight and ensure a better future.

As Roglieri said in his introduction: "All the work has been done for you: best practices in health, discussions with gluten-free specialists (doctors, nutritionists, etc.), research of the best gluten-free foods in Europe. eat. "the intestinal microbiome and possible inflammation, it emphasizes the importance of a healthy digestive system to regulate metabolism, support the immune system and prevent multiple asthma, allergies and other related medical conditions, without forget the improvement of brain health.

Processed foods, even pre-packaged gluten-free products, make weight loss difficult, she admits. Both are high in sugar, so in calories – so avoid these foods. Sugar gives these value-added products a better taste, especially when gluten is removed from the list of ingredients. It is therefore always better to prepare your own whole food by choosing cereal-based dishes made from fruits and vegetables. "The secret to gluten-free weight loss is a food rich in carbohydrates, good fats, omega-3s, protein, fiber, nutrients and gluten-free whole grains," she says.

Easier to say than to do, but Roglieri explains to you "exactly how she did it and how you can do it too". It lists "good" or "complex" carbohydrates, as well as "bad" or "simple carbohydrates", "good fats" and superfoods (many vegetables, fish, seeds and nuts) rich in micronutrients. Already, readers can see their choices in abundance and not feel limited by a limited diet.

Roglieri is a big fan of whole grains (unrefined, which remove nutrients in the milling process) and explains to his readers why this form of ancestral nutrition has had beneficial effects on health for thousands of years. Fortunately, these old whole grains, a constant source of fiber, have made their comeback and are readily available in our markets. You can now buy amaranth, quinoa, buckwheat, millet, whole oats and others, and create delicious gluten-free dishes enriched with herbs and spices, fresh vegetables and protein. In doing so, you will add to your diet antioxidant foods, rich in nutrients, heart-healthy and anti-inflammatory.

Exercise is the key to weight loss, be it aerobic or muscular, which Roglieri emphasizes. But it complements this advice with a set of simple guidelines: do not skip meals, eat smaller portions, leave the table when you're done, use smaller plates, weigh your protein and make sure the vegetables and fruits make up half of you eat.

The gluten-free lean Roglieri provides shopping lists. She knows what it means to have no sugar. It therefore proposes "exchanges" (agave, raw honey, coconut sugar) as well as exchanges of crackers, rice and pasta. Its optional 21-day Jumpstart meal plan offers specific meal plans in the form of suggestions for breakfast, lunch, snacks and dinner.

A world traveler, Roglieri's recipes come from Italy, India, Spain, France, Morocco, Thailand and Turkey. It has also included recipes from Martha's Vineyard, New York, and DC, a complete panoply of ethnic and American recipes focused on gluten-free gourmet meals, weight loss diets, and overall healthy living.

"The Skinny Free Gluten Free Diet is a slow, regular, responsible diet that is meant to be a long-term lifestyle change in diet," says Roglieri. Its maintenance plan contains long-term suggestions, cookbooks to read and instructions to follow. His energy and commitment are contagious. So whether you're gluten-free and need support or want to lose weight with a healthy, clean diet, The gluten-free lean is a guide that will help you reach your goal.

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