The government launches deadly offensive against protesters killing nine people, blocking food and water


Nine people were reportedly killed in Sudan since protesters began a sit-in at the army headquarters in Khartoum on April 6. Police and security forces have used excessive force to try and disperse protesters calling for the resignation of President Omar al-Bashir. Amnesty International has learned.

"The Sudanese authorities must stop firing on demonstrators peacefully exercising their freedom of expression. The killing of people who just take a stand in what they believe is totally unacceptable, "said Joan Nyanyuki, Amnesty International's director for East Africa, Horn and the Great Lakes.

Amnesty International has confirmed that two men were killed early Tuesday morning, one near his home in Omdurman, on his return from the sit-in. The other was killed after an apparent skirmish between the National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS) and the police, on the one hand, and the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) officers, on the other. An army officer was also reported to have been shot in the head during morning clashes.

The Central Medical Committee announced that five more people were killed in Khartoum on 6 April, when the NISS and police fired live ammunition and tear gas to disperse the protesters during the sit-in.

The Coordinating Committee for Displaced Persons in Darfur also recorded the death of a woman in Zalingei, the capital of Central Darfur, on the same day. She was shot dead when security agents opened fire on protesters.

In another incident, the Central Committee of Sudanese Doctors (CCSD) said that a man had been killed while he was being crushed by a NISS vehicle in El Obeid, the capital of North Kordofan, the April 7th.

And on April 8, young army officers opened fire, ostensibly to protect peaceful protesters, after NISS agents and police officers tried to disperse protesters at the army's headquarters. the help of firearms.

"All security forces and government armed forces must immediately end this irresponsible and lethal use of violence during peaceful demonstrations at army headquarters," said Joan Nyanyuki.

Protesters told Amnesty International that all social media platforms had been blocked and the telephone signal around the army headquarters was considerably weakened.

Municipal authorities in Khartoum also cut off the region's water supply, while the NISS searches and grabs cars to transport food and water to the protesters.

"The authorities' decision to starve protesters and deny them access to the media is a clear attempt to silence and deprive the protesters of their fundamental rights. The government must immediately stop depriving people of food and water as a means of oppression, "said Joan Nyanyuki.

The Sudanese Trade Association (ASP) has called for protests on April 6, 2019 to mark the 34th anniversary of the overthrow of the government of former President Jaafar Muhammad an-Nimeiry by the Sudanese armed forces in response to an uprising Sudan and to protest against the current government.

Thousands of protesters responded to the call and rallied in front of the Sudanese army headquarters to demand the removal of President Bashir's government. The SPA called on protesters to hold a sit-in at the army headquarters until their demands for a change of leadership of the country are met.

The newly-appointed Sudanese Prime Minister, Mohamed Tahir Ayala, has allegedly accused the PSA of harbading security forces by saying that government institutions would react decisively.

Since 6 April, doctors 'and IDPs' committees have also reported injuries among protesters among protesters. Seventeen of them were injured during the weekend in Khartoum, including one soldier, while four others were internally displaced persons (IDPs) currently living in Zalingei. .

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