The GRIDCo pylon collapsed: what is NDC's problem with Amewu's "saboteurs" comment – Nana Damoah | General news


The Ministry of Energy's Public Affairs Officer, Nana Kofi Damoah, asked CND members to explain why they do not understand why Energy Minister Peter Amewu said that He suspected that the collapse of the GRIDCo pylon was a political sabotage. the work of the energy distributors.

"Indeed, what explanation can be given to such an incident by leaving gadgets used to cause harm? Who can say that it is an unforeseen event? " He asked.

He added that the Minister commented on the images he had seen during his personal visit to the scene.

Nana Kofi Damoah is furiously disputed UTV the latest news that he does not understand why the NDC members refused to admit the minister's statement when he did not accuse them.

". . But how to call it if it's not sabotage due to the circumstances surrounding the scene that does not show that the destroyer was planning to steal anything in plain sight. . . it is very clear that it was a sabotage " he maintained.

According to him, members of the NDC can make all the propaganda speeches they want, but the Minister of Energy simply says that "the act was deliberately caused by a human being who changed the electricity supply by destroying the pole. . . with the intention of sabotaging ".

Saboteurs Pylon GRIDCo "Animals, Thieves" – Amewu

Energy Minister John Peter Amewu condemned the destruction of some pylons near the headquarters of state-owned Ghana Grid Company Limited (GRIDCo), calling them "thieves" and "thieves". & # 39; "animals".

The pylons, which were destroyed on Monday, March 25, 2018, were discovered by GRIDCo staff members.

Mr. Amewu, who inspected the destruction during the day, pointed out that there were measures to protect such facilities and other national strategic badets.

He added, however, that authorities "can not be everywhere at all times and that some of these thieves, some of our animals in our society are going to do things just to thwart security."

According to him, the action of the suspects constitutes "a complete sabotage" of the work of the energy distributors.

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