The growing role of technology in the care, prevention and relief of dementia


LOS ANGELES, July 14, 2019 / PRNewswire / – New Studies Released at International Association of Alzheimer's Association (AAIC) 2019 Conference Los Angeles have demonstrated the utility of technology to fight Alzheimer's disease and other dementias from three different perspectives: direct care for people with the disease, badistance to caregivers and prevention education for young people.

Research reported to AAIC 2019 revealed that:

  • A remote telephone consultation with a health care provider can be effective in reducing the number of emergency department visits to people with dementia in seniors' communities.
  • 70% of 24/7 callers of the Alzheimer's Association's 24/7 hotline have implemented concrete steps in the week following the use of the service, and nearly 30% reported lower levels of emotional distress.
  • A series of multimedia resources and videos entitled "MyBrainRobbie" has taught French schoolchildren healthy behavior for the brain as a potential early intervention to prevent cognitive decline and dementia.

"Providing high quality, person-centered care to people with Alzheimer's disease and other dementias is an important but expensive proposition," he said. Joanne Pike, DrPH, Program Manager, Alzheimer's Association. "The cost of caring for people with dementia in United States in 2019 has been estimated to 290 billion dollars, according to the Alzheimer's Association Facts and Figures on Alzheimer's Disease 2019 report."

"Although methods can exist to manage costs through public policies, expanded training and optimization of health systems, interactive technologies offer the possibility of reducing the burden in the short term. hospitalization and in-person care, while expanding access to support services and educational services, "added Pike.

Telemedicine programs can reduce the use of emergency services by people with dementia
Studies have shown that the rate of use of emergency services by people with dementia is higher than that of peers of the same age who do not have a diagnosis of dementia. These visits can not only be particularly stressful for people with dementia, but they also bring additional costs to the health system. Telemedicine, or remote consultation with a health care provider, is an alternative to in-person health care that could lead to better quality care at a lower cost.

Manish Shah, MD, MPH, Professor of Emergency Medicine and Geriatrics and the John & Tashia Morgridge Research Chair in Emergency Medicine The University of Wisconsin-Madison, have studied the effectiveness of remote telemedicine interventions in reducing the use of emergency services in elderly people with dementia in older people's communities.

The program consisted of a staff member working with the study participant to collect current medical information and medical information, as well as images, audio and video recordings. The information was uploaded into a medical records system to which the physician, medical badistant or nurse practitioner of the telemedicine program could access. Depending on the case, the clinician then arranged videoconferences with the person with dementia, a caregiver, or both. Clinicians may request laboratory tests or X-rays, medications or other interventions such as antibiotics, and provide care instructions. The program staff member working with the participant in the study was available to facilitate care.

The researchers recruited 731 people with dementia from 22 older people's communities living in a city in the northeastern United States in this prospective cohort study. Of these, 220 study participants had access to telemedicine care, while 511 did not (telemedicine participants). A total of 201 telemedicine visits were made during the study. Over a period of three and a half years, the researchers found that the telemedicine intervention reduced the number of emergency department visits (p <0.05) by 24% in this high-risk population. The intervention did not change the number of face-to-face visits to their primary care physician.

"Telemedicine, the way we implemented it, is helping to reduce the number of emergency department visits to people with dementia living in badisted or autonomous communities," Shah said. . "Future research is needed to confirm our findings and examine the evolution of the overall cost of health care provided to these individuals."

The Alzheimer Association's helpline helps caregivers to act, relieve stress
Caregivers often find themselves isolated, stressed and overwhelmed as they try to manage care for family members with dementia. The Alzheimer Help Line is an easily accessible and free resource, open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Master's level clinicians provide confidential emotional support, valuable and actionable information, and referrals to additional resources from the local community.

To evaluate the effectiveness of the badociation's helpline, Nancy Hodgson, PhD, RN, FAAN, Associate Professor and Chair Anthony Buividas of Gerontology at the University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing, conducted a pilot survey of 185 caregivers who used the service between January and October 2018.

The study revealed statistically significant improvements in the emotional health of informal caregivers, including a 27% improvement in emotional distress and a 29% improvement in the ability to manage stress. In addition, 70% of the callers surveyed implemented action steps in the week following the call from the hotline and 80% of the calls put in place measures. action within one month. Finally, 65% of callers were able to access additional dementia support services.

"Caregivers of people with dementia often experience social isolation and limited access to emotional support," Hodgson said. "This pilot study provides a first evidence of the profound impact that resources such as the Alzheimer's line of badistance may have on reducing emotional stress and anxiety in the community. caregiver and on improving the ability of callers to "act". "

MyBrainRobbie uses video and animation to promote brain health at the very beginning of life
A growing initiative in global public health efforts to reduce Alzheimer's disease and dementia promotes healthy lifestyle choices such as regular exercise, good sleep habits and a balanced diet throughout life . Eleonore Bayen, MD, PhD, badistant professor at the Sorbonne – Pitié Salpêtrière hospital, Parisand Atlantic Fellow of the Global Brain Health Institute (GBHI), along with their colleagues, have created a multimedia resource called MyBrainRobbie, which focuses on short animated brain-based videos to teach children healthy behaviors for the brain. MyBrainRobbie is funded by GBHI and the Alzheimer's Association.

The program was piloted in June 2018 with 303 French schoolchildren aged 6 to 11, divided into 13 clbades of three primary schools. It included (1) a seven-minute video about a brain character, "Robbie", who helps children learn eight healthy lifestyle habits, (2) a website containing links to educational kits for public health interventions in schools and (3) curriculum on brain health in primary schools.

The eight healthy lifestyle behaviors presented in the video are: learning, being active, avoiding head injuries, eating a healthy diet, avoiding dangerous substances, sleeping well, taking good care of your health and spending time with your child. his family and his friends. They are very close to the 10 ways to love your brain of the Alzheimer's Association.

A survey of students revealed:

  • High level of satisfaction with the video; 64% rated it as "excellent" and 30% rated it as "good", with the highest levels seen in the youngest age groups.
  • The video was deemed "very easy" to understand by 68% and "easy" to understand by 25%.
  • Students were able to remember seven of eight healthy behaviors for the brain, on average. (SD = 1.3, min = 1, max = 8)

"Using child-friendly language, MyBrainRobbie's gentle story conveys positive health messages to children while highlighting that many enjoyable activities of daily living are good for the brain," Bayen said.

"We hope to educate the global audience about the importance of brain health throughout life, while reducing inequities in social health," Bayen said. "Five additional international versions of MyBrainRobbie's video, website and educational packs will debut this year in Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Turkish and Arabic, joining the suite of materials already available in English and French."

About AAIC
The International Conference of the Alzheimer's Association (AAIC) is the world's largest gathering of researchers from around the world dedicated to Alzheimer's disease and other dementias. As part of the Alzheimer's Association's research program, the AAIC serves as a catalyst to generate new insights into dementia and foster the creation of a vital collegiate research community.
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About the Alzheimer Association®
The Alzheimer's Association is the leading voluntary health organization in the field of care, support and research. Our mission is to eliminate Alzheimer's disease by advancing research, to provide and improve care and support to all those affected and to reduce the risk of dementia through the promotion of Alzheimer's disease. of brain health. Our vision is a world without Alzheimer's. Visit or call 800.272.3900.

  • Manish Shah, MD, MPH, et al. High intensity telemedicine reduces the use of emergency services by older people with dementia in older people's communities. (Donor: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, US National Institute on Aging)
  • Nancy Hodgson, PhD, RN, FAAN, et al. Alzheimer's helpline: preliminary effects on family caregivers. (Funder: Alzheimer's Association)
  • Eleonore Bayen, MD, PhD, et al. An evaluation of the implementation of MyBrainRobbie in school-aged children in la France. (Donors: World Institute for Brain Health, Alzheimer's Association)

SOURCE Alzheimer's Association

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