The headquarters of the Apple spacecraft considered one of the world's most expensive buildings | Technology


Apple's donut-shaped headquarters in Cupertino, California, has been valued at $ 4.17 billion, according to a new badessment released this week, making it one of the most expensive buildings in the world.

David Ginsborg, deputy appraiser for Santa Clara County, where Cupertino is located, said the unconventional property of 2.8 million square feet was a challenge to be badessed.

"I mean, everything is in the custom," he said. The intricately designed ring – which incorporates treated glbad and specially designed tiles – is surrounded by pines from the Mojave Desert. "But at the end of the day, it's an office building," Ginsborg said. "And so we could put a number on it."

The headquarters cost $ 5 billion to build. In contrast, the world's tallest building – the Burj Kalifa in Dubai – cost $ 1.5 billion. The Marina Bay Sands complex in Singapore costs about $ 5.5 billion. Usually, the market value of a building is similar to the cost of its construction, plus the land it occupies, said Larry Stone, evaluator of Santa Clara County.

The company is required to pay approximately 1% of its property taxes, in accordance with California law. According to the badessment of Santa Clara County, Apple will have to pay more than $ 40 million in property taxes each year in California.

Critics argued, however, that this amount – a tiny fraction of the company's revenue – did not outweigh its contribution to the housing crisis and homelessness.

The largest part – about 25% – contributes to the financing of the local primary school. An additional 15% funds local fire departments. The city of Cupertino receives directly 6% of the discretionary expenses. As part of its Apple Park development agreement, the company paid $ 5.85 million to an affordable housing fund. It has also invested $ 75 million to improve infrastructure and facilitate traffic in several nearby cities.

In addition, Apple enjoys a tax incentive agreement with the city of Cupertino, which has reported to the company nearly $ 70 million in tax revenue recovered over the past 20 years, has announced Bloomberg.

Apple is the biggest real estate taxpayer in the county, according to Stone. "And of course, they are a major employer – which is another benefit to the county."

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