The heartbreaking words of a single mother to two young sons after returning from her cancer


A devastated young mother revealed her biggest fear after learning this week that her bowel cancer had resumed, just three months after being given the go-ahead.

Tanya Davies, 32, a single mother, says her biggest concern is what will happen to her two boys, Jack, eight, and Ben, 14, if she dies.

Last Saturday night, Tanya sat her children and asked them to promise him "they will always watch over each other" if anything happened to him.

They swore that they would – without fully understanding the heartbreaking reason.

The day before, the doctors inflicted on Tanya the bomb that announced that her cancer had returned and spread around her body in just six weeks, reports Chronicle Live.

She admits that she is "petrified".

Tanya said, "I'm worried about what could happen to my children if something happened

His first symptom was a pain in his stomach

"I just want to know that they will be fine."

At first, Tanya had a simple pain in her stomach. However, X-rays, badyzes and blood tests did not provide answers.

She said: "My belly was swollen as if I were nine months pregnant.

"I was diagnosed with a cyst of the stomach, but a cyst would not prevent you from going to the toilet.

"The longer the days went, the more I suffered."

Tanya recounted that she was in agony and that she ended up going under the knife – and a surgeon discovered a tumor behind her intestine.

Bowel cancer is diagnosed every year on more than 40,000 Britons, but it is more common in older men and much rarer in younger women.

"Unfortunately, I'm one in a million," she admits.

Tanya asked her sons to promise that they would always watch each other

Now, East End of Newcastle rallies behind the Asda worker and a campaign has been set up to raise money to send Tanya and her boys on vacation.

The initial target of £ 500 was broken in a few days.

Tania Armstrong, a friend, said, "He is an adorable, calm and kind person who would not expect anything from anyone.

"It's the only way we can help, and we just want to make it easier for her while she's suffering," added Tania, a mom herself. "

Before Christmas, Tanya thought her nightmare was over – because she had been told that her cancer had disappeared after operations and 17 cycles of chemotherapy.

However, tests show that it has now spread elsewhere, including to the pelvis and liver.

She added, "Medical staff have told me how empty they are.

"I hope for treatment and chemotherapy, but they stopped looking for a cure.

"But I'm petrified to die."

She was scheduled to see doctors this week to discuss the next step, while various fundraisers will take place over the next few weeks.

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Main reports of Mirror Online

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