The horror of the woman after the sting of a holiday cock on the front has turned into an ominous nightmare


A woman was horrified when what she thought was a harmless holiday bug bites turned out to be a fly larva encrusted in her head.

The unidentified 55-year-old tourist returned to the UK after a trip to Uganda, Africa, with a swollen gland on her head.

The women went to her GP nine days later, complaining of swelling and pain, and were sent home with antibiotics for an infection.

But during a second visit to his doctor, a more thorough inspection found fly eggs in the center of his mbad filled with puss, as reported in the British Medical Journal.

A small opening was found in the middle of the mbad, which, according to experts, was a breathing hole for a fly or fly baby.

The fly buried in the woman's head

The BMJ explains how doctors applied Vaseline in the area before "a larva was manually extracted and sent to the London School of Tropical Medicine for review".

The larva has been identified as the Lund fly – a rare species of African rainforest.

Experts said that the maggot had probably laid eggs on a towel that the woman had usually wrap around her hair

Another ultrasound on the woman found one more fly in her head, leading her to undergo surgery for her removal.

Dr. Farah Shahi, an infectious disease specialist at the York Teaching Hospital in the UK, told LiveScience that a fly or a fly had probably laid eggs on a towel that the woman had used to comb and then to dig your forehead.

The woman has since been cured and the report's authors noted only one other case registered in the UK since 2015.

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Main reports of Mirror Online

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