The hospital uses minicars to drive children into the operating room to reduce the stress of surgery


    The hospital uses minicars to drive children into the operating room to reduce the stress of surgery

MODESTO, California – Pediatric patients from a California hospital can go to the operating room with style in a miniature car to calm their fears.

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The Medical Center of Modesto, California, bought a small black Mercedes and a staff member subsequently donated a pink Volkswagen ladybug specifically designed for children ages 2 to 7, reported CBS News.

"When children discover that they can go into the operating room aboard a small, cool car, they light up and in most cases, their fears go away," he said. told CBS News, the nurse Kimberly Martinez, who had the idea.

The cars have stereo and lights that work and can be driven by a child or an adult using a remote control.

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