The inhabitants of Tolon ask for drinking water


General News of Sunday, July 7th, 2019



Social Assembly Water Participants during the forum

Some residents of Tolon District, North Region, complained about lack of access to clean water in the area, saying it affected their lives.

They said the situation was worse during the dry season because there were few boreholes, wells and dams in the area.

This was the main concern raised at a public meeting in Nyankpala organized by the Justice and Peace Commission of St Monica Parish in collaboration with the Catholic Archdiocese of Tamale and the Conference of Catholic Bishops of Ghana with the support of Conrad Adenauer Stiftung.

The meeting brought together residents and officials from the Tolon District Assembly to interact and share development issues that affect them and how they could be addressed.

The theme of the meeting was "Community Participation in Local Governance for Rapid and Sustainable Development".

Residents have appealed to the Assembly for it to help provide water sources in the area to ensure their access to clean water.

Other residents also mentioned the lack of furniture in most schools in the area, the lack of sanitary facilities and poor drainage systems and asked the Assembly to contribute to the resolution of these problems.

Mr. Abdallah Yussif, Tolon District Assembly Planning Officer, who spoke on behalf of the District Director General during the meeting, said that the Assembly was doing its best to address some of the issues raised.

Mr Yussif said that as part of the 2019 annual action plan, the Assembly was undertaking development projects aimed at improving agriculture, education, health, education and business. 39, water and sanitation in the area.

He mentioned the creation of a district center for agriculture, commerce and technology, the purchase and distribution of 4,000 double desks for schools, the rehabilitation and construction of some CHPS complexes, as well as undertaken to improve the situation.

Mr. Yussif called on development partners and donor agencies to support the Assembly in achieving its development plan, as it could not generate enough revenue to meet its needs.

Mr. John Baptist Kambe, Chair of the St Monica Parish Justice and Peace Commission, urged the public to actively engage in the process of decentralization to promote good governance.

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