The international reaction to the Trump-Putin meeting is mixed


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The tablo The Bild newspaper titled on Tuesday: "Reactions to the Trump-Putin meeting : Too weak, too submissive – a shame! "

The Munich newspaper, Süddeutsche Zeitung, writes that" for Europe, this poses problems. "Trump offered Putin bromances rather than clear words

Trump's meetings with Putin crowned six days of chaos at the NATO Summit in Brussels by threatening defense spending allies and distinguishing Germany. "We can no longer rely entirely on on the White House, "German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas told the Funke press group on Monday." To maintain our partnership with the United States, we need to readjust it, the first clear consequence is that we must align ourselves even more closely in E urope. "


While Trump was criticized at home, Putin returns unsurprisingly Most Western badysts agreed that the Russian leader had achieved his goals simply by getting face-to-face meetings, a step towards the normalization of relations after Moscow's interventions in Ukraine, the US presidential election and other transgressions.

The Russian economy is in trouble after being hit with international sanctions for its annexation of Crimea in 2014, its support for the separatists who are fighting the government in eastern Ukraine and its alleged interference in the US presidential elections of 2016.

Before Trump and Putin Even sitting, the Russian Foreign Ministry raised the eyebrows by "loving" a tweet from Trump criticism about the US inquiry into the 39, electoral interference.

"The attempts of the West to isolate Russia have failed," reads the state newspaper Rossiisskaya Gazeta, according to a Reuters translation

. produce breakthroughs on issues such as Syria, Ukraine or arms control. Instead, the focus has been on the symbolism of the leader of the world's remaining superpower sitting one-on-one with Putin after years of international isolation

  Image: The front pages of the main Russian newspapers
"The attention of the whole world is focused today on Helsinki and it is clear to everyone: the fate of the world is decided between Russia and the whole world . " Mladen Antonov / AFP – Getty Images

and the United States, the leaders of the two great powers of our planet meet, "said Alexey Pushkov, a member of the upper house of the Russian parliament, who tweeted Monday opposition and control much of the press in his country

United Kingdom and France

Sandwiched between the NATO meeting and the summit of the United States. Helsinki, Trump caused chaos during a four-day visit to Britain Surprise An interview with The Sun newspaper to criticize Prime Minister Theresa May's plans and suggest that she had killed a trade deal with the United States.

It also unleashed numerous protests across the country, including some of the biggest protests in London.

While Isinki was playing, British lawmakers took care of their own Brexit-related policy But the verdict of the British press following the Trump-Putin meeting was largely scathing.

"Putin's Poodle," headlined the Mirror tabloid, while The Times and The Guardian newspapers were focusing on the American backlash [19659004InGreatForeclosedfinalwedishnesstotheCoupedofMondelejournalTheMondeabeenfounditspacesattackedhighlight:"VladimirPoutinedominelematchd"HelsinkicontreDonaldTrump"

The Baltic States and Ukraine

The Baltic States are most worried about the prospect of aggression and interference on the part of the Russians

but reaction in Estonia, the most northerly of the three states, is more moderate than in other parts of Europe

. "The headlines of the three largest Estonian dailies agree that the meeting … while being a resounding victory for Putin, has not given anything particularly unexpected or unpleasant", reads in a soap opera from ERR News.

sti Päevaleht, an Estonian newspaper, wrote that "this time we were lucky in Helsinki". Like others, he seemed relieved that, symbolically, no specific policy had been agreed upon.

Ukraine is another hotbed of Russian tensions. who lost the Crimea to annexation by Moscow and much of its is to a conflict with the Kremlin-backed rebels.

Trump made no mention of Crimea or the war in Ukraine during the press conference with Putin. And he would have suggested that Crimea be given to the Russians because people speak his language.

After the Helsinki summit, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko tweeted: "We are ready to defend our land even if we must do it alone."

The Ukrainian Poroshenko, apparently confident in International support, ~ 30 minutes ago: "Ukraine has been and remains one of the top priorities of NATO and the United States. "

And now:" We are ready to defend our land even if we have to do it alone, without international support. Christopher Miller (@ChristopherJM) July 16, 2018


"We were very attentive to the meeting of Russian-American leaders in Helsinki yesterday ", said Foreign Ministry Spokesman Hua Chunying," We hope that Russia and the United States will strengthen communication and expand cooperation. "

Hua said this hope was altruistic in this regard that it would have "no effect" on US-China relations. "

But Beijing's interest could go a step further than official comments suggest, badysts say

John Ferguson, Director of Global Forecasting at the Economist Intelligence Unit, told CNBC in advance that Chinese officials would be looking for clues on how to deal with Trump during future negotiations [19659003] China was also a topic of discussion at the Trump-Putin meeting

"We will talk a little bit about China (and) our common friend President Xi Jinping," Trump told reporters as He was sitting next to Putin before their one-on-one meeting on Monday.

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