The Jomoro Municipality Assembly orders a 6-place toilet facility at Ehoaka Elementary School


The Municipal Assembly of Jomoro, in the Western Region, has handed Ehoaka M / A Basic School a 6-place toilet facility to improve toilet facilities. l & # 39; sanitation.

The Ehoaka M / A Basic School has badly needed sanitary facilities for many years.

The situation forced the schoolchildren to cross the busy road leading to the city to relieve themselves.

The Parent and Teachers Association (PTA) has issued several appeals to successive governments but has fallen on deaf ears.

The story has changed for the better because the chief of the municipality (MCE) of the region, the Hon. Ernest Kofie officially handed the school management new toilet facilities for 6 people.

L & # 39; Hon. Ernest Kofie said this support reflected the government's commitment to improving sanitation in the municipality's schools.

He therefore instructed the chef, the teachers and the students to take good care of the school and to maintain it regularly to the best standard.

While urging students to take their studies seriously, Ernest Kofie also donated 69 school uniforms to Ehoaka High School and promised to do the same for elementary school.

"I call all the kids here to be disciplined, to go to school regularly and to be serious about their studies." Being healthy is best for you. as individuals and as a community.We must all develop the habit of regularly cleaning our schools, our homes, open and open please and we must properly dispose of the waste we generate. " , did he declare.

The head of the region, Nana Besiyi II, expressed her deep gratitude to the MCE and the Assembly for their unfailing support.

He also called his subjects to rally behind the MCE and the NPP government to bring more developments to the region.

The leader took the opportunity to appeal to the government for it to enroll the school in the school feeding program in order to increase the number of enrollments at the school level. basic.

The director of municipal education, Mr George Effah, congratulated the MCE for its friendly gesture and said that the facility would greatly contribute to the improvement of sanitation.

He added that the facility would also improve the quality of education in the community.

Mr. Effah emphasized that education is the best investment that parents can offer to their children and has appealed to other NGOs and personalities to emulate the MCE and do the same for others schools of the municipality.

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