"The judiciary can not be influenced under my supervision" – Sophia Akuffo


General News on Friday, March 29, 2019

Source: dailyguidenetwork.com


Justice Sophia Akuffo Oor443 Chief Justice Sophia Akuffo

Chief Justice Sophia AB Akuffo says that the judiciary under her watch will not be subject to what she described as "undue influence" on the part of the executive, the legislature, and the judiciary. private or partisan interests.

It has therefore declared itself ready to take measures to guarantee the independence of the judiciary at all times.

Speaking at an organized mentoring program for undergraduate and graduate students in Kumasi, in the Ashanti region, the Chief Justice reiterated his commitment to improving the quality and the quality of life. speed of delivery of justice in the country.

The program was organized under the auspices of the Asantehen Otumfuo Osei Tutu II on the theme: "I am hiring Ghana."

According to the Chief Justice, even if justice is quickly buried, the application of technology can improve the speed of execution of justice, hence the introduction of justice online to speed up the processing of cases.

It revealed that judges are sometimes asked to develop a case handling plan to address delays in the execution of justice.

Her Ladyship Akuffo urged female students not to be swayed by immoral acts of men who seduce them with modern gadgets, especially cell phones, inviting them to curiosity.

The Chief Justice also asked students not to back down in their quest for knowledge, claiming that every day is a day of learning.

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