The linchpin: how Koscielny went from hell injuries to Arsenal's inspiration | Soccer


TFragments of thought that ran through his mind in a moment of crisis looked like a brutal cinematic scene. A little over a year ago, Laurent Koscielny was lying, collapsed on the floor of the Wanda Metropolitano, a hand clenched in a clenched fist hitting the floor with unbearable frustration, the other clutching the ankle . He returned to a recent conversation with his former teammate Francis Coquelin, who had just gone through a break-up at the place where he was feeling overwhelming pain. "Like a knife cutting your achilles." That was the feeling. "The pain, from one to ten, is a 11." There was no impact. His body has just given up alone.

Arsenal's medical team rushed and the crying of Koscielny announced the seriousness of the injury. "He was not screaming pain, it was a more serious cry – fear, anxiety, anxiety," recalls the club's doctor, Gary O'Driscoll. Koscienly shouted that Diego Costa had kicked him. The Atletico striker approached and tapped the doctor on the shoulder. He soberly told the doctor that he had not kicked him. He had heard a snap of his fingers.

Later, while he was in the locker room, Koscielny received an opposition visitor, Antoine Griezmann, who acknowledged that a serious injury at that time could only mean that he was in danger. ;a thing. The compatriots hugged each other. There were not enough words. Koscielny was trying a lot of things. "My game is over. My season is over. My World Cup is over, "he recalls thinking. Then, at age 32, with all the years devoted to the defensive cause, it would be natural to feel crushed by the consequences, the probability of a complete recovery.

June, St-Raphael, French Riviera. After an operation to repair the rupture, Koscielny returned to France for rehabilitation with a specialist. It is not unusual for a player having a long-term physical battle to change the scenery for this phase. "For me, it was not a holiday," he recalls, evoking the rigor required in Stronger, a detailed documentary made by Arsenal to chart its course after an injury. For 10 weeks, he trained with unfailing dedication. "When you're in shape, you have a lot of friends and a lot of people who like you. When you are hurt, all these people forget you. You miss a lot of things. The love of your teammates miss you, the ground you miss, all the conversations you miss, "he says.

Koscielny sent a message to the France team, which Didier Deschamps gave to the whole group. Olivier Giroud, who goes far back in time with his former friend from Ligue 2 Tours, found this particularly touching. "He wrote a letter basically to tell us that it's important that we get along and act as a team rather than a group of people. A strong message, "explains Giroud.

Laurent Koscielny was injured at the Achilles tendon at Atlético Madrid last May.

Laurent Koscielny was injured at the Achilles tendon at Atlético Madrid last May. A photograph: Juan Medina / Reuters

The reconstruction is progressive. While walking. Climbing steps. Jump. Operation. Haste Balloon work. Sprint At every important step, Koscielny was sending videos to the Arsenal Medical Team in London. They were amazed at his resilience. "What people outside do not see is how difficult it is to stay motivated, determined and motivated to do repetitive, bbad and boring exercises that you can not see. progression, "recalls O'Driscoll. "It's extremely frustrating for athletes who have played at the highest level. The way Laurent responded was first clbad. Every question is: can I do more? "

July, Luzhniki stadium, Moscow. Koscielny was invited to attend the World Cup final. He went there, even though he admits that he had mixed feelings. In jeans and a white shirt, he felt a step removed from the purity of the joy felt by his teammates.

December, London Colney. After seven months of diligent rehabilitation, Koscielny learned that he was ready to return to the field. He played four games in 13 days – an extraordinary bet. Arsenal was desperately short of defensive solutions due to injuries and suspensions. Koscielny did not have a chance to easily find the sharpness. He was rusty and the critics made a quick and brutal judgment. Doubts about the fact that he could regain his former qualities, that he could regain the standards that made him such an important defender with his club, were commonplace.

April, Emirates stadium. All doubts have been erased. This time, the fate was three games in nine days and Koscielny was outstanding. At the head of the defense who built a white rope in crucial matches against Manchester United, Rennes and Napoli in the Europa League, his flawless efforts on the ground summed up the resilience he has shown for months to find his best levels. Alexandre Lacazette speaks on behalf of the entire team when he expresses his admiration. "He worked all summer to get back as quickly as possible and on his return he played four straight games after a big injury. It's really difficult. He helped us all season to be better in defense. We all have a great respect for Laurent.

Laurent Koscielny is preparing to embark on the flight leading from Arsenal to Baku for the final of the Europa League.

Laurent Koscielny is preparing to embark on the flight leading from Arsenal to Baku for the final of the Europa League. Photo: Stuart MacFarlane / FC Arsenal via Getty Images

May, final of the Europa League, Baku. When he heads his team on Wednesday, it will be a moment of personal claim. A nearly 34-year-old who walks with a limping gait, a player who has spent nearly a decade at Arsenal since signing for just £ 8m, from a French second-division substitute to an international match. never anyone likely to give up easily. He never thought that an injury would mark the end of his career. "You are a better person. You are a better man. When you come back you are so hungry. I do not agree with people who say you're not as strong as before. I think you are mentally stronger than people who have not suffered an injury like you. Playing again is the best trophy I could have. " Now another important one is 90 minutes away.

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