The little boy who can not walk, talk or feed but keeps smiling


It's the three-year-old boy who can not walk, talk or feed but never stops smiling.

Greenwood Blue was born with stage 5 cerebral palsy that causes severe limb spasticity and left it completely unable to use them.

He also suffers from epilepsy and sleep apnea and his immune system is weakened, making him more susceptible to infections.

Blue has already been hospitalized for two multiple lung infections, pneumonia, staphylococcal infection and sepsis.

He was originally one of the twins, but unfortunately, the other baby did not survive, reports Leicestershire Live.

Blue's condition means that he can not walk, talk or feed himself and that his parents must take care of him 24 hours a day.

In January of this year, he received a feeding tube, which he uses for all meals, liquids and medications.

But even though life is incredibly difficult for this remarkable little boy, his mother says that he is very happy and never stops smiling.

Blue playing on the swings with his father Dale Greenwood, 27

"He's taking everything in his own rhythm, he's been in the hospital for eight days now with very serious infections, but he's still smiling," said Blue's mother, Rielle Chapple, of Thorpe Astley.

"It's a little boy so smiling."

Speaking of the difficulties she is going through, she added, "He has very bad breathing problems, so every time he gets a cold, he has to be admitted directly to the hospital.

"It can go from a few days to six or eight weeks to the hospital at a time."

Despite everything he goes through, life improves for Bleu, who undergoes a life-changing operation in June.

The operation, called selective dorsal rhizotomy, is now available on the NHS for children with less severe cerebral palsy.

Unfortunately, the type of Blue's cerebral palsy meant that he was not eligible for the NHS operation.

His mother Rielle says that he takes everything in his stride

"We have raised money for this operation all his life, but it's only really beneficial for him if it's followed by intense therapy," said Rielle, 27.

The operation has already given new life to Blue, who can finally use its members for the first time.

"He no longer suffers from waist size and has no more spasity," Rielle said.

"Before, everything was built on spasciality, but now it is stronger.

"He is learning to crawl for the first time and he is working hard.

"Progress will be slow, but it is already benefiting."

This has not been easy, however, as not only is the family now having to fund the expensive treatment needed after the operation, but it has also suffered from complications related to the operation.

Blue having a therapy to help her strengthen her limbs

"He had a really tough week," said Rielle.

"We were in London, where Blue was undergoing therapy, and during our stay at the hotel, it became very bad very quickly and it was very hot.

"We immediately drove him to the hospital and we discovered that the injury of his operation had become skeptical.

"Then it was necessary to turn on the blue light of the ambulance for three hours until the QMC of Nottingham."

After days of constant treatment and worry for her parents, Bleu is finally progressing and recovering from her ordeal.

Rielle now hopes that Blue will be able to resume his therapy very soon to make it more mobile.

However, Blue's parents must fund it privately and organize a fundraising page with the Just4Children charity to cover the cost of the therapy.

Rielle also says that losing her twin in the belly means that he always needs someone with him to not feel lonely.

"He has always been with his twin, but since he lost them, he needs someone to entertain him all the time, otherwise he gets angry," Rielle said.

"He likes to play, especially complicated games, and likes to play with toys that he can hit and make noise."

If you want to contribute to Blue's cause, you can do so by visiting his JustGiving page.

You can also follow his progress on his Facebook page, "Le voyage de Bleu".

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Main reports of Mirror Online

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