The media, white supremacism and bias in the definition of terrorism


Terrorism is always unprecedented; it is motivated by killing, maiming or resorting to the intentional pursuit of indiscriminate violence as a means of inducing terror among many people; or the fear of reaching a political or religious goal. Although terrorism may not have a widely accepted definition because the word's concepts differ, but in a broader sense and with a multitude of agreements in use, terrorism is simply a "morally reprehensible" act, but justifiable by a any reason (s) as a good and worthy course by the authors.

Terrorism, at the beginning of time as a positive connotation, has always been supported by individual reasons and motivations and by a notion of political concept and power. Bruce Hoffman, on terrorism, said, "It's about the search for power, its acquisition and its use to gain political gain and change." Terrorism, with the word deluge, has been affiliated to the world's communities since the beginning of time, from the Jews of Palestine called Sicarri ending the Roman despot command, to the Hashshashin in Syria, the Holocaust; genocide of six million Jews perpetrated by Nazi Germany and the Jacobians in revolutionary France who used terror to eliminate all the counter-revolutionaries whom they considered the enemy of the people. The Klux Khuu Klan (KKK) were not left behind as terrorists when they resisted the policies of the Republican Party's reconstruction era aimed at achieving political and economic equality for blacks.

Regarding the media, in retrospect of the recent terrorist attack in New Zealand, many media platforms have carefully chosen the words they used to address the author. Some, like Al-Jazeera, the BBC, CNN, shooter, shooter, attacker, were used instead of the word "terrorist" and the spokesman of the white supremacist, Fox News, had initially nothing on the shot". when they had to take the news, they instead chose the title "Terrorist Shot" as if it was necessary to quote "terrorist", as if "terrorist" was a strange word to address to a " "shooter" white who had done it. something morally wrong.

In addition, constraints related to the publication of the identity, motivation, history and beliefs of the authors should be reprimanded and eliminated. A few minutes after the filming video was put online, it was removed and only a few remains of it remain – those accompanying the news agencies that broadcast animated images (in a blurred vision), while the raw video of the film / 11 The bombings against the World Trade Center are still hidden on the Internet. In terms of broadcasting, why unroll the video? Hide the heinous act? An exception to the answer is that if concealment is a means of slapping justice and humanity; only if the concealment is due to the fact that it is perpetrated by a white supremacist.

The scourge of white supremacism is not the subject of discourse, but the condemnation of an absurd act: terrorism that buries itself in the ground. To evoke white supremacism, Australian Senator Fraser Anning tweeted the attack on the attack on Muslim immigration instead of condemning the atrocious act of extremism and terrorism. In his tweet, he said: "The real cause of the bloodshed in New Zealand streets today is the immigration program that allowed Muslim fanatics to emigrate. in New Zealand in the first place. " A remark that could stoke / will stoke the flame of violence and extremism in New Zealand or the world at large.

In Mohammad Elmasry's "Attacks on Mosques in New Zealand and the White Supremacy Bane", he highlighted the Western government's inability to adequately address the growing and ever-increasing threat of white supremacy. Moreover, to support his conception of white supremacism, Elmasry said in the article, "The shootings in New Zealand mosques, which killed at least 49 people and were allegedly perpetrated by white supremacists, are only the last of these. a long list of recent acts of supremacist terrorism.

Other short lists of recent acts of white supremacist terrorism include the murder of 12 Jewish worshipers by Robert Gregory Bowers in a synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in 2018; The mbadacre by Alexandre Bissonnette of six Muslims in the mosque of Quebec in 2017; The badbadination by Dylan Roof of nine black Christian parishioners in a church in Charleston, South Carolina, in 2015; and the mbadacre of 77 people by Anders Behring Breivik in Norway in 2011 ".

Yesterday, the attack on supremacy was ethnic cleansing in Rohigya, Burma; Holocaust – Assbadinations of Jews by Nazis, attack today on the religion of Muslim faithful in Christchurch, New Zealand, and tomorrow, after the burial of the Terrorist Law of Christchurch, the attack could change, as it has been, in black racism This time, race, not religion, is a prerequisite for the demonstration of white supremacy.

In conclusion, white supremacism and media bias have always been cautious in the choice of words used to describe terrorist attacks. Various words – mbadacre, manslaughter, genocide, etc. – were used to replace the word "TERROR" and words such as "shooter, shooter, extremist, abuser, mental retarder" have replaced the word "TERRORIST" the act that they committed is purely a unforgivable act of terrorism. Why were these substitutes set up for the word Terror? Why did the media choose to politely define their act with a perceived fragrance of humanity or justifiable background? Why did supremacy so much want victims to be accused of attacks rather than condolences and consolations?

Why can not we call a cat a cat – call an act of terrorism, an act of terrorism, instead of hiding the edge; to choose harmful derogatory words to define inhumanity? Why? Is it because of white supremacism? Or inferiority complex? And the media, is the bias due to the fact that your audience is mainly composed of oppressors and influencers?

But if we forget that religion, race, color are mere words used to create differences, establish a distinction of superiority and inferiority, a distinction of predominance; if we did not take into account this forgetfulness, have we forgotten that there was only a thin web of fabric – humanity – that connects us all? These are the thrilling questions that left the vocal cords of the victims but are left unanswered without response.

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