The Ministry of Agriculture launches interventions to contain the fall army worms that resurge


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The Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MoFA) has triggered interventions to contain the autumn army worms (FAW) that have resurfaced in some parts of the country.

Ms. Felicia Ansah-Amprofi, Director of the Department of Plant Protection Regulatory Service (PPRSD) of the Ministry, said the Ministry of Foreign Affairs had reported cases of worm attacks on crops across the country. country.

She said she sent enough approved chemicals to her extension workers in all regions and districts to help farmers meet the challenge.

The 13 chemicals recommended for worm control are Agoo, Bypel, Adepa Agro Organic Pesticide, Eradicat T, Neem Seed (Gro-safe), Ozoneen, Chemomeclin 50SG and Delta Gold 2.5 EC.

Mr. Francis Osei Sarfo (2nd from left), director of Dawhenya Farm, explains some difficulties to Mr. Mustapha Ussif (3rd from left), Executive Director of the National Services Program. Mr. Oxford Osei Bonsu (left), the project manager, and some farm workers are also pictured.

Mr. Francis Osei Sarfo (2nd from left), director of Dawhenya Farm, explains some difficulties to Mr. Mustapha Ussif (3rd from left), Executive Director of the National Services Program. Mr. Oxford Osei Bonsu (left), the project manager, and some farm workers are also pictured.

Others are Savior 62EC, Super 70EC stickers, Striker 19 EC, Warrior Super 26 EC and Worm Attack EC.

"We distributed a total of 79,560 liters of liquid chemicals and 20,665 kilograms of powdered chemicals to all regions. This amount of pesticides will help manage a total of 348,620 hectares of plants throughout the country, so there is no reason to alarm if farmers declare and water their farms in time, " she declared.

Devastation on an NSS farm

This decision follows mbadive attacks by the FAW against maize and other crops on farms, including the National Service Program (NSS) in Dawhenya, Greater Accra Region.

The devastating FAW has destroyed many hectares of crops across the country, especially in 2017.

This year, worms caused serious damage to the NSS corn farm.

Stubborn worms attacked the entire 250-acre corn farm and completely destroyed 15 hectares.

Major investments by the SSN leadership to contain the situation have yielded little results, as evasive creatures still wreak havoc on maize plants.

When the Daily Graphic visited the farm last Wednesday, along with NSS Executive Director Mustapha Ussif, it was found that the maize plants were seriously attacked by the FAW.

Worms were observed housed between the top marks of maize plants, most of which were at the control stage.

The 50 acres of the maize farm that had been completely devastated by the FAW had been replanted and the plants were just at the planting stage.

The Daily Graphic checks at Yilo Krobo and Lower Manya Krobo in the Eastern Region also showed that the worms destroyed vast acres of crops.

Appeal to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Mr Ussif, stunned by the attack by the FAW of the NSS farm, called on the Foreign Ministry to support the NSS with chemicals to combat worms.

"The FAW attack on our Dawhenya farm is so bad and could have been worse, but we bought some chemicals and applied them, hoping it would work.We had to replant 50 acres of corn plants because they have been totally destroyed.

"The cost of chemicals is too high, so we are going to the Foreign Ministry to help us with chemicals so we can save the farm," he said.

MoFA reacts

Dr. Ansah-Amprofi urged all farmers whose farms had been attacked by the worms to contact the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the districts to obtain chemicals to control worms.

She added that although FAWs have been established in the country for several years, their impact on crops could be largely minimized if farmers applied best practices to control them.

"When it comes to reports of FAW attacks, we have them from across the country, because as long as people start planting corn and other crops, these worms will appear. But we sensitized people to always attack worms by spraying the right chemicals on their farms in time, "she said.

More action

For his part, Mr. Sena Ahedor, Regional Director of the Greater Accra PPRSD, told the Daily Graphic that the region had received enough pesticides and attributed them to the MoFA offices in the metropolitan, municipal and district bademblies (MMDA). ) to help farmers.

"We have received 5,000 liters of Adepa, 1,000 liters of Eradicat, 1,000 liters of AMA and Bypel for our region. I can say that the FAWs were severe here, but thanks to the awareness and rapid delivery of pesticides, we were able to cope with the situation, "he said.

In the case of Dawhenya NSS Corn Farm, he asked the program management to contact the Ningo District Agriculture Branch to obtain pesticides.

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