The minority demands the resignation of vice-chancellor and president of the UEW Council


General News of Monday, April 1, 2019



Very Rev. Prof Afful Broni PhD.jpeg Rev. Anthony Afful-Broni

The minority in Parliament plunged into the controversy of the Winneba University of Education, demanding the resignation of university vice-chancellor (VC), Anthony Afful-Broni, and its president, Professor Nicholas Abakah.

According to opposition lawmakers, the National Democratic Congress (NDC), the resignation of the tandem is the only way to restore normality in the school that had been closed on March 4.

The STE, which had been on the front page for the wrong reason, was closed after students demonstrated the dismissal of about 23 speakers and 10 other staff members.

A government delegation led by MP for the region, Alexander Afenyo-Markin, shortly after Central Region Minister Kwamena Duncan declared the closure of the school, said a truce had been concluded for the reinstatement of the licensees.

This decision, however, was rejected by the university board which upheld the dismissals, claiming that procedures had been followed to remove the affected persons from office.

These contradictions, said the minority, showed that the problems inherent in the closure of the school persisted, hence the need for both professors to resign.

In a statement issued in Accra on Friday and copied in the Ghanaian Times, the minority said it had followed developments in the ETS: "We can only conclude that the best way towards normality with regard to the ETS is the resignation and / or withdrawal of the Chairman of the Board and Vice-Chancellor. "

According to the minority, Professors Afful-Broni and Abakah had "their personal interest above the procedure, the interest of the students and the institution that they were responsible for managing" and must go.

Signed by Peter Nortsu Kotoe, titular member of the Education Committee, the statement said that the information they have and in any other public space highlight the fact that the behavior of Professors Afful-Broni and Abakah does not " it does not violate the laws they have failed to manage, but borderline crime and blatant corruption. "

Professor Afful-Broni, the observed minority was "undeniably responsible for the negative developments on the campus of the EU and therefore can not be part of the solution.

"Unfortunately, the posture and conduct of the university board chair was not helpful [because] Mr. Abakah would presumably have led efforts for peace and reconciliation. "

The caucus further alleged that he quoted a letter dated December 13 from the Comptroller and Accountant General indicating a budget overrun for compensation amounting to 5.3 million GH ¢.

Demanding that the Bureau of Economic and Organized Crimes open a thorough investigation into embezzlement at the university, the minority called on the pope, the leader of the Catholic Church, to rebadign Professor Prul Afful-Broni , himself, to save the church more embarrbadment.

He also called for the reinstatement of Professor Avorke as the school's VC, in line with an EOCO finding that rid him of any wrongdoing.

Professor Afful-Broni took over from Professor Mawutor Avoke, who was fired last year, after the latter was accused of engaging in illegalities, as confirmed by a court in Winneba.

Fervent defender of the dismissal of Professor Avoke and MP for the region, Alexander Afenyo-Markin, who fought the dismissed professor in court, turned around accusing Professor Afful-Broni of misleading him.

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