The MTN Bright Scholarship will close July 17th


Accra, July 11, 2019 – The MTN Ghana Foundation has announced that it will close enrollments for its Bright Scholarship program on July 17, 2019. Applications for the scholarship have begun on July 17, 2019. June 13, 2019.

The Foundation therefore urges qualified students who have not yet applied to do so by the deadline. The scholarship is open to first-year students or students pursuing first-level studies at one of Ghana's public higher education institutions. To qualify for the MTN Bright Scholarship, students must have a credit card in six (6) subjects, for a total of 24 at WASSCE / SSSCE.

Three of the six subjects should be core subjects; English, mathematics, integrated sciences or human sciences and the other three must be chosen by their candidates. Students pursuing their studies must have a minimum average of 3.0 points, be involved in extracurricular activities, prove that they do not encounter any problem of academic discipline and should not serve a bond of good conduct.

Qualified candidates can apply via the web portal at or go to an MTN service center to get the application forms.

Commenting on the MTN Bright Stock Exchange, MTN's General Service Manager, Mr. Samuel Koranteng, said, "We are pleased to have launched the second edition of the MTN Bright Stock Exchange. We are committed to providing bright and needy students with opportunities to have a bright future through education.

Mr. Koranteng said, "Thanks to the MTN Bright Scholarship, we want to make sure that underprivileged students who would have missed higher education because of a lack of funding can have access like other students."

The MTN Ghana Foundation will award 100 scholarships to students from public higher education institutions across the country for the 2019 academic year. The launch of the MTN Bright scholarship in 2018 was an achievement of MTN committed to Ghanaians at the commemoration of its 20th anniversary in 2016. During the celebrations, MTN, through the MTN Ghana Foundation, promised to award 300 scholarships to total. period of three years. The first batch of 100 scholarships was awarded in 2018 to students from public higher education institutions across the country.

For more than 10 years, the Foundation has awarded more than 1000 scholarships to students from elementary to higher education. In addition to the Bright Scholarship, the MTN Ghana Foundation launched the Teacher Improvement Reward Program in 2015. Since the launch of this program, 60 teachers have received scholarships to pursue Bachelor's or Master's degrees at the University. University of Cape Coast and Winneba University of Education. The MTN Ghana Foundation continues to invest in sustainable projects aimed at improving the well-being of Ghanaians.

About the MTN Foundation:
The MTN Ghana Foundation was established in November 2007 to select and implement MTN's social investments. The MTN Ghana Foundation has three areas of intervention: health, education and economic empowerment. From its inception in December 2018, the Foundation undertook 142 major projects across the country. Notable health projects include: the construction of a neonatal care center for the University Hospital of Tamale, the renovation of the maternity block located on the 2nd floor of the Korle Bu University Hospital, the construction of a maternity block for the public hospital of Ejisu and the construction of a rescue center for Atua public hospital. Educational projects undertaken include: the construction of a boys dormitory for the Akropong School for the blind, the construction of a block of six-unit clbadrooms for Kodjonya Millennium School , the creation of 10 MTN ICT learning centers in each of the 10 regions of Ghana (at the time) and the institution of KNUST, an innovation hub to promote engineering and development. research in the telecommunications sector. The main projects undertaken in the context of economic empowerment include: the construction of shea butter processing centers, the provision of seed capital and the vocational training of the Tizaa Dini Women's Association in Yendi and the Wa Sung Suma Women's Association.

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