The National Lottery Authority presents the concept of electronic kiosks


The National Lottery Authority (NLA) has introduced what it calls electronic kiosks, which aims to transform the lottery sector to generate substantial revenue for national development..

the The concept of electronic kiosks, set up as part of a public-private partnership (PPP), is also expected to create jobs across the country.
NLA, in collaboration with the Department of Local Government and the Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies (MMDA), will provide secure locations for electronic kiosks across the country.
A statement signed by ALN Public Relations Officer, Mr. Razak Opoku, indicated that the authority also was organizing less expensive and more convenient payment terms for lotto marketing companies and others. stakeholders.
The statement followed allegations of mismanagement against ALN by the Association of Ghanaian Lottery Agents Concerned (CLAAG).
According to the statement, "CLAAG's allegation that NLA charges GH ¢ 15 000 and GH ¢ 20 000 to lotto marketing companies for the electronic kiosk is absolutely false".

Instead, the statement stated that the electronic project would secure the commercial interests of government, the private sector, lotto marketing companies and other stakeholders.
He said the project, which was a private sector-led initiative in partnership with the NLA, cost the government nothing.
According to the statement, the successful implementation of the project would help expand the operations, capacity and commercial interests of the ANL.
He added that the project would increase revenue generation and authority collection, create sustainable jobs, combat the stigma of lotteries and end illegal lottery activities.

According to the statement, a licensing fee of one million GH ¢ has been approved by the NLA Board of Directors, private operators and lotto agents.
Therefore, the statement rejected the badertion that the amount had been imposed on lottery companies and operators by the Authority.
She also explained that private operators and lottery agents, such as the Ghana National Chamber of Commerce (GNCLBBLOA), Ghana Lotto Operators Association (GLOA) and Ghana Lottery Operators Association.LLOAA) had all paid their license fees and were waiting for the validation of their documents before a license was issued to them as part of a NLA-VAG collaboration.
He added that the ALN leadership and the Ghana Veterans Association (VAG) had reached an agreement and would soon launch an NLA-VAG lottery.
Opoku said the initiative, endorsed by relevant stakeholders, would benefit all stakeholders.

Better services
The statement therefore urged the public to ignore misconceptions that the authority would have committed a form of illegality in the performance of its duties.
He is committed to ensuring that the ALN continues to meet its commitments mandate, and provide the best services to customers.

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