The primary objective of the game is simple: go through Neogene Africa and evolve towards Australopithecus (aka "Lucy"), from "prey to predator", as Désilets says. The player's concerns are not necessarily whole civilizations, but more important needs, such as building a clan, having babies, and learning to navigate a brutal world. Yet for this general purpose, there are few guidelines. It's a game of trial and error, much like natural selection.
Désilets insists that he does not want to tell the players what to do in The ancestors. "I want players to be curious, I want you to have some creativity in your adventure," he said. "You write all kinds of strange stories for yourself."
Desilets keeps coming back to the basic idea, he wants us to behave with the creatures we were. A game that achieves that might make us feel small; admiring the natural world, not to mention all the work it took to defeat it gradually and bend it to our will. He also hopes to show how similar we are to our ancestors. how we are not so much smarter than we suspect. "It's in our DNA," said Désilets. "You relive that moment on the screen and you feel" oh, one way or another, I went through there. "
The objectives of Désilets are noble but deserve to be explored The ancestors. When we start playing, the ultimate testimony of whether the game works or not will be the ultimate test.
Images: Private Division
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