The P30 smartphone, a formidable weapon from Huawei against Samsung


For the second year in a row, Huawei Technologies has chosen Paris for the worldwide launch of its new flagship smartphone P30. With this choice, the Chinese mobile champion wants to demonstrate its commitment to the world of fashion, design and luxury. It also aims to illustrate the importance of Europe, of which Paris is the center, in its global conquest of the market.

Prowess in pictures

As usual, Richard Yu, the boss of the group's consumer division, has made a comparison, feature by feature, function by function, to Apple's iPhone XS and Samsung's Galaxy S10. And whether it's the finesse, screen size, weight, photo quality, battery life or battery recharge time, the P30 always wins.

Huawei Technologies' new Opus stands out in particular for its photo prowess, with a new image sensor that absorbs 40% more light than conventional imagers, an impressive sensitivity of ISO 205,800, a 50X zoom and a time detector This flight improves focus and offers gestural interface, 3D object modeling and augmented reality functions.

Richard Yu does not hesitate to position it above Canon's ISO 10200 EOS 5D professional camera. "Our mission has always been to bring the performance of professional photographyThe P30 not only prides itself on wireless charging but also serves as a wireless charging base for other personal devices such as razors or electric toothbrushes.

"It is undoubtedly an excellent product, a technological jewel, very centered on the uses photo, video and user experience, note at L'Usine Nouvelle Thomas Husson, badyst at Forrester. The photo capabilities displayed are impressive. This reflects a great technological know-how at Huawei."

Need a brand speech

The P30 stands out as a formidable weapon in the battle of Huawei Technologies against Samsung Electronics. Head to head with Apple with the delivery of 206 million smartphones in 2018, the Chinese manufacturer aims to increase its sales to 250 million this year and 300 million in 2020 to dethrone the Korean electronics giant in 2019 or 2020.

"ATToday, Huawei is world number two in volume, reminds Thomas Husson. It has excellent products and a positioning at high prices but which remain competitive in this range. To continue to take market share and become world leader, he must develop the personality of his brand for the consumer to say: I am ready to try this brand which I heard a lot of good and who makes of excellent products. The question is what appetite will make the consumer will recognize themselves in the brand and make him want to take the plunge."

Marketing discourse remains the weak point of Huawei Technologies. "That's the criticism I would make, says Forrester badyst. Huawei remains a company very focused on technological innovation. That's good, and it shows in the prowess of the P30. But if Huawei aspires to be a leader, he should stop acting as a challenger and compare himself constantly to Apple and Samsung. It should have a real branding speech so that the launch is not limited to the product aspects but also encompbades the user experience and services, something that makes sense in the minds of consumers. Huawei needs to reinforce its brand personality and work more on marketing to ensure that those who have a Samsung smartphone today and less likely an iPhone decide to take the step and turn to them. "

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