The policeman hit me first without any provocation


– The driver and his companion accused of badaulting a police officer were released on bail

– The bus driver reported on what happened

The trotro driver who joined forces with his team leader to hit a policeman told his own version of the story.

Francis Buabeng and his companion Albert Ansah were arrested for badaulting a uniformed policeman.

The two men were filmed hitting the policeman as a result of a disagreement around the road connecting Weija to Kasoa.

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Sending to Joy News, the driver stated that the officer had first attacked him and his companion before they took revenge.

According to him, the officer pursued him on a motorcycle to Mallam Junction and tried to take his keys with force.

"When I arrived at the Mallam junction, my vehicle was crossed by a driver. I had no idea what I had done. A policeman sitting behind the cyclist came down and approached me.

"He knocked on the door so that I opened it. My door has a defect, so it did not open. So he took the other side of the car and came in. He tried to remove my car key. Buabeng said.

He added that the said officer had started to beat him and that when his companion tried to intervene, the officer also turned to him.

The driver stated that he had no other option but to defend himself, which resulted in an exchange of blows.

"While I was trying to bring my hand closer to the key, he began to hit me several times. The pbadengers even complained that he should not do it because he is an observer of the law. I actually lost control of the vehicle, forcing it to back off and hit the sidewalk,"Explained Buabeng.

"He continued to beat me; my face, my mouth and other parts of my body. When my companion tried to stop him, he turned his attention to him and started hitting him as (companion).

"He gave me a head shot while wearing the helmet, so I had to defend myself, so we exchanged punches."," he added.

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Meanwhile, the driver and his companion must appear in court on April 1 after being released on bail on Friday, March 29, 2019.

They were both charged with conspiracy to commit a crime and causing unlawful harm, although they pleaded not guilty.

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