"The president of the NDC will be arrested"


According to the party's secretariat, Samuel Ofosu Ampofo, president of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), will be arrested by police who have secretly obtained a court order.

Kakra Essamuah, who heads the party's communications unit, said the information they had revealed that the government was considering humiliating the national president by arresting him as part of a Rambo style operation.

In a statement released today, Mr. Essamuah said: "The NDC takes the government's intent very seriously, if our information is accurate, and wishes to draw the country's attention on the fact that, as President of the largest opposition party, in Ghana, our National President has the right to be treated with the utmost respect and with the utmost dignity. "

Earlier, Mr. Ampofo had refused, in accordance with the advice of his lawyer, to honor an invitation from the Criminal Investigation Department of the Ghana Police to respond to allegations of kidnappings and arson.

And the party believes that the latest information gathered regarding the government's intentions is a mark of further harbadment and intimidation by their national president.

The full text of Mr. Essamuah's press release is reproduced below:


The National Democratic Congress has learned that the government, using security agencies, had obtained a stop warrant over the past few days for the arrest of our national president, the Hon. Samuel Ofosu-Ampofo. We further learned that the security agencies had the intention to do so, apparently in conjunction with elements of the NPP security forces, and that they intended to stop the president so as to lower him in the esteem of Ghanaians.

The NDC takes the government's intent very seriously, if our information is correct, and wishes to draw the country's attention to the fact that, as chairman of the largest opposition party in Ghana , our national president has the right to be treated with the utmost respect and dignity.

While respecting the position already expressed by the Council of Wise Men regarding police invitations, we wish to make it clear that the National President is a law-abiding citizen who will never disregard an order duly obtained from a court duly authorized to do it.

This statement also aims to inform prospective supporters of the Democratic National Congress to await the imminent arrest of the national president with the aim of defending the narrow political interests of President Akufo-Addo in order to to silence any legitimate political opposition. At all times, the national president of our party can count on the solidarity of all party members and we strongly support the hon. Samuel Ofosu-Ampofo.

Published Sunday, June 9, 2019.

Director of Communications

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