The production costs of OnePlus 7 Pro have been disclosed. Is the price tag too high?


OnePlus 7 Pro This is one of the most expensive smartphones currently on the market (in our country we have to pay more than 3,000 zlotys) and, in theory, it would seem that the cost of creating a copy of this device is also high. The list, which has reached the network, presents the values ​​of the individual components of the latest flagship product OnePlus, slightly clears the situation. The most expensive item is the display AMOLED it costs the producer $ 80. The processor was in the next place Qualcomm Snapdragon 855 – $ 70and the least expensive component was the triple matrix for $ 27.29. In summary, the creation of a single copy of OnePlus 7 Pro is absorbed by the budget of the Chinese company. $ 324.21which gives about 1,230 PLN.

The cost of producing a copy of OnePlus 7 Pro is 324.21 USD.

The production costs of OnePlus 7 Pro have been disclosed. Is the price tag too high?

On the one hand, the calculation is simple and brutal for OnePlus because the amounts quoted are well below the amount that the seven future owners will have to pay. However, the list includes only the value of the subsets or the cost of badembly and does not apply to other expenses, including marketing, as well as many other items, such as software development and technical support available. It therefore appears that the price of the telephone remains acceptable, given that some competitors may overestimate their margins at higher rates. Another question is: is the OnePlus 7 Pro still a viable device? This of course depends on the individual badessment and the needs of a particular user.

After all, there are also attractive and cheaper proposals on the market, for example Xiaomi Mi 9. It should also be noted that the results of the AnTuTu ranking confirm the high performance of OnePlus 7. The Chinese flagship product has won a total of 371.6 thousand. and stay the leader left behind smartphones like the Samsung Galaxy S10 + or referred to Mi 9 – in the latter case, the difference with the seventh is not so great, as it is about 2,000 points. The standings also confirm that Qualcomm Snapdragon 855 wins the competition with Huawei's Kirin 980 chip.

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