The Public Health Agency of Canada announces Salmonella outbreak in 6 provinces and 63 patients


Health officials are investigating an outbreak of salmonella in six provinces that has sickened 63 people, 18 of whom have been hospitalized.

The Public Health Agency of Canada says that there are laboratory-confirmed cases in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario and Quebec.

BEFORE CHRIST. has the most, with 23 confirmed cases. People became ill between November 2018 and March 2019.

The agency says that the source of the bacterial infection has not been identified.

He says the outbreak appears to be underway, diseases continue to be reported.

NEW EPIDEMIC: Epidemic investigators are gathering information on a possible source #Salmonella diseases. As the survey evolves, we will keep you informed. Learn more:

– GovCanHealth (@GovCanHealth) April 6, 2019

Two deaths have been reported, but the agency says it was not determined whether salmonella was a contributory cause.

The agency says that people who become ill are between 1 and 87 years old.

Kelly Geraldine Malone, Canadian Press

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