The purified drinking water Awake saves the inhabitants of Okwampa and Ayensuako from the water crisis


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The Purified Drinking Water Awake has provided drinking water supply systems to two communities in the Awutu-Senya East District, in the Central Region.

Both communities have struggled for access to drinking water for many years.

Awake, a purified water bottle inspired by the charity that highlights the social responsibility of Kasapreko Company Limited in all communities of Ghana, commissioned mechanized drilling systems and donated huge water storage tanks to Okwampa and Ayensuako to alleviate the difficulties of the residents.

The projects were commissioned on Friday, March 22, 2019, on the occasion of World Water Day.

Speaking during an interview on the sidelines of the commissioning ceremony, Chris Sarkodie, sales and marketing manager at Awake Purified Water, said the gesture was inspired by the following: a documentary from the GTV channel about the fate of both communities and his team's efforts to promote healthy Ghanaians through campaigns and rescue projects.

The documentary highlighted the dangers that the inhabitants of Okwampa and Ayensuako face when trying to access the water of the rivers of their communities.

They survived thanks to the contaminated water from the river that they used for all their household chores.

According to Sarkodie, Awake and Kasapreko officials were affected by the report and therefore decided to spend more than 75,000 GHCs to provide drinking water to the communities.

"Today, World Water Day, we decided to expand our CSR activities to the residents of Ayensuako and Okwampa. The people of Ayensuako depend on the Ayensu River for drinking, cooking and doing all kinds of unhygienic household chores. They must also walk for a mile and a half before accessing the river, "he said.

He adds, "We have come here to commission mechanized drilling systems and we are also donating 20,000 water storage facilities, which should be able to meet the needs of the people of Ayensuako and hope they will no longer depend on the Ayensu River because When we talk about World Water Day, it is about accessibility of water and to ensure that, wherever you are whether in Accra, Kumasi or in this village, you should have access to clean and better drinking water. "
In Okwampa, which is much smaller than Ayensuako, Awake Water, in addition to mechanized drilling, has donated a 10,000 storage tank to the community.

Mr. Sarkodie expressed his gratitude to the consumers of Awake Water and other products of the company and urged them to continue to use their services so that his outfit could expand his activities to other communities that need help .

"Our projects will come as needed. Awake is specifically intended for cardiovascular activities. However, as consumers continue to support us, buy and continue to drink waking water, we will certainly expand our plans, "he said.

Awake Water Project

Awake has lifted my burden of providing water to Okwampa and Ayensuako – Awutu-Senya East

Stephen Kwame Quaye, District Chief of Awutu-Senya East, did not hide his joy when he commissioned both projects.
He said that the water supply of the two communities in his territory is a burden because they did not have the means to solve the problem that was a headache for the residents.
"I had sleepless nights because of the water crisis in these communities, so when I learned that Kasapreko was coming to lift this burden to Okwampa and Ayensuako, I had been relieved. Malaria caused by the pressure of the people on me is now healed, "he said.

Mr. Quaye thanked the management of Awake Mineral Water and its parent company, Kasapreko, for the gesture.
"We thank Kasapreko and the director, Dr. Kwabena Agyei, for coming to our rescue. The borehole is getting worse and now that we have the mechanized system, all the water problems have been solved, "he said.
He also urged residents to properly manage the facilities to ensure their sustainability.
"We have a health center here in Okwampa where officers from Korle Bu come for training. Now that we have access to purified water, they can stay with us. Thank you to Awake Purified Water and we pray that God will bless and make your business prosperous, "added the DCE.
Awake Water Project
Okwampa, grateful chef for waking up drinking water
The Okwampa chief revealed that he had hired an engineer to mechanize the only borehole in the community that often breaks down, but that they could not afford the cost of 30,000 GHC needed for project.
He thanked Awake for his kindness and promised to ensure that the facilities are well maintained to serve the purpose.

My people can now sleep in peace – Chief Ayensuako
For his part, Ayensuako's leader, Nai Kofi Antwi V, said he is delighted that Ayensuako residents can now breathe sighs of relief and sleep in peace, their most pressing need having been satisfied.
"See these tanks here. We had no way of acquiring them with our limited funds, but today, Kasapreko and Awake have shown kindness. They bought two big tanks and mechanized our drilling, "he said.
According to him, getting water for his community was his priority and, as a result, he continues to put pressure on the WFD to solve the problem.
"Since becoming Ayensuako leader, I have taken steps to ensure that my people have a reliable source of drinking water. I even contacted the GWCL in Agona Swedru, but to no avail. We have been dependent for too long on the dirty water of the rivers. "
"We are grateful to Kasapreko for identifying our need and coming to save us. We will take good care of these facilities, "he said enthusiastically.
He also made a pbadionate appeal to the government and charities to imitate Kasapreko's gesture and help build their roads and bridges over the community's rivers.
He revealed that people risk their lives when they go to the Ayensu and Densu rivers to reach their farms.
For example, during the rainy season, rivers overflow watercourses, making it extremely difficult for schoolchildren to access schools and farmers on their farms.
"Our water problem has been eliminated, but our road needs to be built and a bridge over the rivers. We are arguing that the government will provide resources for our member of Parliament to act, particularly our bridge. We voted because we needed peace and comfort so they would not neglect us as previous governments did, "he said.

Happy residents

The happy residents also said how much they put their lives in danger to access the water and thanked Awake for the gesture.
"We are very happy now. As you can see, we are simply suffering to fetch water from this river. It is this water that we drink, take a bath, wash and cook People swim and bathe even inside and we will also look for and drink, which is not healthy for us ", explains a resident.

Awake Water Project

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