The real reason Meghan Markle held Archie awkwardly at Prince Harry's polo match


Meghan Markle was the receiver of a pretty serious mother, ashamed of the seemingly awkward manner in which she held the Archie baby at a charity polo match held last week. Markle was there to cheer for Prince Harry, who was competing in the match, but many fans seemed to be more focused on how she seemed to be unsure of how to hold her baby. It turns out that there may have been a good reason behind that.

Meghan Markle held Archie at the polo match and her mother was ashamed
Meghan Markle and Archie | Max Mumby / Indigo / Getty Images

Markle and Archie applaud Prince Harry

Some fans were surprised to see Markle at the charity event, even though it was a nice gesture to come and support her husband. Markle and Kate Middleton also seemed to be listening to the event after many rumors of feuds had undermined them in the past.

The photos captured the duchesses during the polo match and all eyes were on Archie, who had not been caught in too many photos for the public. Markle held Archie wrapped in a blanket in some shots and in everyone else he was seen without packing. In most pictures, the baby seemed to be rocked awkwardly, which was criticized by many people.

Did Markle hold Archie baby the wrong way?

While the royal observers quickly blamed the Duchess for holding Archie in the wrong direction, according to experts on parenting, she did nothing wrong.

Dr. Jen Trachtenberg, pediatrician and author of Pediatrician in your pocketTODAY's parents explained, "There is not only one way to hold a baby. You want to make sure the baby is safe and that's exactly what Meghan was doing. She holds him firmly with two arms. He does not cry and he is not uncomfortable. "

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Pay tribute to all the mothers of today – past, present, future mothers and those who are lost but remembered forever. We honor and celebrate each and every one of you. Today we celebrate Mother's Day in the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Kenya, Japan and several European countries. This is the first Mother's Day for the Duchess of Susbad. Quote from @ land of @ nayyirah.waheed: my mother was my first country; the first place I have ever lived. Photo © SusbadRoyal

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The reason behind the way Markle held Archie

A number of discussions took place on social networks about Markle holding the baby, and a Twitter user said, "Meghan loves the press of today on her and the baby …. always looking for attention. But she does not know how to hold the poor thing. "

One person responded that there may be a reason behind the way she was holding the baby, noting: "She was probably trying to protect him from all the paparazzi. She may have been changing weight as well when this pose was taken. It does not matter, she's doing very well. "

Another critic emphasized: "She can not have a mother
instincts at all. Archie's neck and whole body are not supported by her at all. No
sun hat to protect it. "

A supporter of Markle said, "It may be because she knows everyone is taking their picture and will publish all their opinions on it. She looks a bit awkward. leave her alone. His baby looks like him. At least she's with him. So everything seems to be fine. "

Others agreed, thinking that Markle was protecting his child from photographers, as one Twitter user said: "Protecting mothers are holding their baby like that, I just heard [sic] for the love that I have for Meghan, Harry and the baby Archie.

Another Markle fan said, "That's not what I see here. I can be totally wrong, but I see a very protective mother wrapping her almost all over her arm. I remember what it does. "

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