The real reason Scarlett Johansson continues to play controversial roles


Scarlett Johansson has gained a good reputation in recent years and it's not really a good one. The 34-year-old actress built her resume, but some of the roles she chose to accept aroused controversy. But what is the real reason why Johansson continues to accept roles that are so controversial?

Scarlett Johansson
Scarlett Johansson | Photo by Jeff Kravitz / FilmMagic

His most controversial films

As a white woman, critics were outraged to learn that Johansson badumed the lead role of Major Mira Killian in Ghost in the shell, where she represented an Asian woman. Johansson was accused of having laundered the film with his acceptance of the role. In addition, controversy erupted after the announcement of his role in a future film for a transgender man, Scrub. As there are many transbadual men willing and able to play this role, people have been offended by the fact that the actress would even accept this role. After a lot of complaints, Johannson wisely decided to withdraw from the project, but the damage was already done.

Anyone, tree or animal

While many actors know better than to say yes to certain roles, Johannson seems to have a different perspective. In a recent interview with As If magazine, Johansson admitted that she should be allowed to play any role. "You know, as an actor, I should have the right to play anybody, no matter what tree or any animal because that is my job and the demands of my job. " the Other Boleyn Girl the actress said. This statement perfectly epitomizes why Johansson continues to badume roles despite their controversial nature.

Scarlett Johansson
Scarlett Johansson | Photo of Jason Merritt / Getty Images

A new age of art

Johansson went on to say that she believed that much of the art was politically correct these days and that she did not necessarily agree with that. "There are a lot of social lines that are drawn now, and a lot of political correctness is reflected in the art. I feel that this is a trend in my business and that it has to happen for a variety of social reasons, but sometimes it becomes uncomfortable to affect art because I feel that art should to be free of restrictions " Prestige the actress confessed.

Scarlett Johansson
Scarlett Johansson | ANGELA WEISS / AFP / Getty Images

Privilege white and cisgender

Naturally after the release of the interview, many people were outraged and accused Johannson of not recognizing his privilege. Internet has not hesitated to lead it into its belief that it should be able to play any role. The outrage was so great that the actress decided to issue a new statement specifying her beliefs. "A recently published interview has been changed for click bait and is largely out of context. The question I was answering in my conversation with contemporary artist David Hall concerned the confrontation between politically correct and art, "said the 34-year-old.

The fight for diversity

Johansson then turned to those who thought she did not consider her privilege white, cisgender and how she took the roles of other actors who did not have the same chances because of their race or their bad. "I recognize that in fact there is a generalized divergence within my sector that favors cis-like Caucasian actors and that not all actors have been offered the same opportunities as those who have me." have been privileged. I continue to support and always promote diversity in all sectors and will continue to fight for projects where everyone is included, "said actress Girl With The Pearl Earring.

Scarlett Johansson
Scarlett Johansson | Randy Holmes / ABC via Getty Images

Learn from one's mistakes

It's great to see that Johannson quickly tried to correct this misstep. She seems to learn from the mistakes of the past and we can only hope that she stands behind her statement. As one of Hollywood's best-paid actresses, she has enough power to allow more people from all walks of life to sit at the table.

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