The real story behind the June 4 revolution: separating facts from fiction


General News on Tuesday, June 4th, 2019



Private Rawlings Jerry John Rawlings, former President of Ghana

The genesis of the revolution

The June 4 Revolution, known as the "June 4th Uprising," was brought about by the arrest and trial of Flt. Lieutenant Jerry John Rawlings and other junior officers under the leadership of Supreme Military Council II (SMC II). Jerry John Rawlings and the junior officers were arrested and charged with mutiny for attempted coup d'état on May 15, 1979.

Jerry John Rawlings cited a number of reasons for the failure of the coup attempt of 15 May 1979. First, junior officers, including Jerry John Rawlings, were denied time-off pay times. Other issues raised included widespread corruption among members of the Supreme Military Council, poor governance, economic difficulties and general frustration of the population, as well as the high degree of indiscipline within the military. Ghanaian army.

Major Boakye Djan, one of the main instigators of the uprising, recently revealed that he deliberately added a political twist to the revolution in order to contribute to the emancipation of all Africa. According to Osahene Boakye Djan, after several secret meetings with John Rawlings, the team decided to create a secret movement known as the Free Africa Movement (FAM) to lead the uprising. Boakye Gyan noted that although Nkrumah fought for the liberation of the entire African continent, Africa still seemed to be under the domination and control of the colonial masters. Boakye Gyan said in an interview that, although Ghana was independent, the country was not free enough to determine the prices of cash crops such as cocoa and other commodities, as well as other sources. where the movement.

Day of the test

Prior to the trial, Rawlings and some junior officers had attempted to make a coup on May 15, 1979. On the morning of the coup day, there had been an exchange of fire between the conspirators and the officers. of the SMC II. It took the efforts and bravery of a senior army officer, Major General Odartey Willington, to travel to the Ghana Broadcasting Corporation (GBC) to announce that the coup attempt was made. State by young officers of the force had been foiled.

He himself, Major General Odartey Willington, Major Sulemana and other army officers who embarked on the GBC action were subsequently rewarded by the SMC II, Rawlings and the officers. subordinates arrested.

The trial of Rawlings and junior officers took place at Burma Hall in Accra. On the day of the trial, as ABC News Ghana meets, thousands of civilians gathered in the room to attend the trial. The president of the military court was Colonel Aninful and the state prosecutor was Lieutenant-Colonel Flt. Lieutenant Atiemo.

Rawlings was asked if he wanted a separate trial. His response was "I want to be with my men," a comment that sparked loud applause in the lobby.

Rawlings was found guilty by the court and imprisoned in a "guards room". It was during this period that his ten fingers were severely damaged.

Jerry Rawlings reversed the situation and began to accuse the government of mbadive corruption. He demanded that his colleagues accused of helping him commit the act of treason be released, insisting that he was solely responsible for the coup attempt.

June 4, 1979

As previously stated, Rawlings was convicted and imprisoned in a guard room. Two weeks later, on the night of June 4, Captain Boakye Djan led other officers to overthrow the SMC II government and release Rawlings from his jail. He was then sent to the GBC and the overthrow of the government was announced. Rawlings was forced to speak to dispel the fears of his death, as had already been said.

That day Major-General Odartey Willington made a remarkable demonstration. He entered an armored car and was shot and killed for three consecutive hours. When he ran out of cartridges, he went to the Nima Police Station to surrender.

Unfortunately, he was killed on the spot by military officers as soon as he left the armored truck. Rawlings offered him a funeral worthy of the name.

This incident marked the beginning of the uprising.

After the incident, all military installations were searched and senior officers on the MSC II side were killed. It was the same day that Colonel Aninful, chairman of the military court who tried Rawlings and the junior officers on May 15, was killed. His wife and children who were also in the same room were shot. Many supporters of the previous government fled the country seeking asylum elsewhere.

The putschists then set up the Revolutionary Council of the Armed Forces (AFRC). The composition was as follows:

1. Flt. Lieutenant Jerry John Rawlings – President

2. Captain Boakye Gyan – Official Spokesperson

3. Major Mensah Gbedemah

4. Commander Akpaloo

5. Warrant Officer 2 Obeng

6. The soldier Owusu Adu

7. Corporal Owusu Boateng

8. Senior Air Craftsman Gaktipo

9. Lance Corporal Ansah Atiemo among others.

The day after the revolution

The plan introduced what is now known as the house cleaning exercise. The cleaning exercise of the house was mainly against corruption. Three former military leaders of Ghana, General Afrifa, General Acheampong and General Akuffo were all executed, along with five other senior officers deemed corrupt by the government-created exception courts. It is at this time that the famous slogan "Let the blood flow" has taken birth. The supporters of the regime used this slogan to gather military support by killing supporters of the old regime who were deemed corrupt.

Many entrepreneurs have also been targeted and their badets confiscated by the government.

Critics of the regime note that the period was marked by great indiscipline among junior officers towards senior officers and civilians. The Revolutionary Council of the Armed Forces (AFRC) quickly lost control of raging soldiers. Public order was totally destroyed, resulting in arbitrary arrests, beatings, kidnappings, murders, detentions and seizures of money and movable property by soldiers.

The AFRC ruled from June 1979 to September 1979. The power was given to Mrs. Hilla Limann in September 1979. But Rawlings again overthrew Limann on December 31, 1981. Although June 4 has become a landmark date in the history of Ghana, it was date that is very painful to people who have lost loved ones, businesses or who have had to flee the country to save their lives

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