The Recovery Room – A unique sports spa for all ages is now open


The Recovery Room – A unique sports spa for all ages is now open in Carmel and Westfield

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July 2019

Writer // Ann Cinnamon Photography // Trevor Ruszkowski

During a typical day in the recovery room you will see a big
wide range of people with a wide range of conditions and who use the services of the wellness center.
state-of-the-art equipment to recover faster or just feel better. In reality,
feeling better is really the mission of the recovery room with locations to
Bridgewater Corporate Village in Carmel and the Pacers Athletic Center in

Konnie Komarovsky, president of the recovery room, and
his wife, Helen, opened the sports spa more than three years ago
because there was nothing like it in the area.

The recovery room
Konnie Komarovsky

"There was a huge need in Hamilton County for something that
helped people speed up their recovery process, a place where they can go
feel better than it is not a doctor's office. It's somewhere between a doctor and
office and spa. But it's very accessible, and the number of reasons that
the people who come here are so varied. That's what makes it so unique, "
he says, adding that their clients range from the 9-year-old gymnast to
an 84-year-old arthritic grandmother to professional athletes like the Colts and Pacers.

Why cryotherapy?

Komarovsky took a long and interesting route to open the
Recovery room. At one time, weighing more than 300 pounds, he decided to make life
changes that resulted in a lot of weight loss. He says that people have taken
notice and began to ask him for help, so he became a certified trainer. What
he discovered that people often give up workouts when they're in pain, so
he went looking for ways to bounce back more quickly from workouts and with
less pain.

"It was the idea itself, trying to make them feel a bit
Better, soften the process a bit because it's brutal, "he says.
through himself, he knew the importance of trying to feel better along the
way. His research led him to try cryotherapy himself, and the results were
so impressive that he and his wife decided to invest in it.

Cryo was conceived in 1978 in Japan by a doctor whose
mother-in-law had arthritis. So any condition that causes inflammation can be
improved with cryo, according to Komarovsky.

The benefits of body cryotherapy

Whole body cryotherapy, popular with professionals
athletes such as LeBron James and Kobe Bryant, is a three-minute session
exposure to cold that reduces inflammation and helps increase circulation in
expose the entire body to temperatures as low as -220 degrees F.

Komarovsky says that it's an extreme environment, but the
the benefits are worth it, and you will immediately feel a difference. "The
environment we create forces the body to go through an answer where it
adapts to the new cold environment, and part of that answer is a
anti-inflammatory response, which is really the main benefit. "

What does cryotherapy look like?

For whole body cryotherapy, you stand in the cryo chamber
in very cold steam. Men wear shorts or underwear and socks, gloves and slippers.
Women wear sports bras, shorts, socks, gloves and slippers
provided by the recovery room. The session lasts up to three minutes.
during which you can listen to music. The idea, according to Komarovsky, is
expose as many skin sensors as possible to the cold, which then triggers
reply. He says it's a cold, so your skin sensors feel it, but it's not
painful. He compares this more to the sensation you get with exercise. "You go to the
point where he feels uncomfortable, and then you can stop but the real
change just happens at this threshold of how much further you can go beyond
this. There is a resistance factor, he says, adding that feeling nervous
about it is normal. "If you're going to see a real change in three minutes,
you will work for that. There is always a price to pay. "

Sequelae of Cryo

It describes the consequences of cryotherapy from the whole body, because it undergoes a shock due to the cold. "When you go out, the amount of norepinephrine has doubled or tripled in the brain and is the hormone responsible for your well-being and happiness. the general feeling of well-being is what makes it so unique. That's why our goal is simply to get people to try it, "says Komarovsky, adding that once the cryotherapy is tried, 99 out of 100 people return.

How long do the effects of Cryo last?

How long are the effects of cryotherapy?
level of inflammation. Komarovsky says that it could be four hours or for some people
it could be two or three days that they find their joints feel better and
their range of motion is different. Many people report sleeping better.

Localized Cryotherapy

Today, cryotherapy is the essential that leads people to
recovery room but this is not the only advanced recovery technology that they

Both salvage rooms also have local cryo equipment, which
offers a three to five minute session that uses a nitrogen vapor flow for
target specific areas of pain as opposed to whole body treatment, resulting
in hours of frosting in minutes.

Komarovsky describes localized cryo as a similar
principle to the whole body cryo, but more like the cherry. "You are trying to get
your skin temperature is falling. That's what we do here, but we do it much faster. In
two minutes, I can do what it would take hours of frosting to do. And this is the
difference, "he says.

The recovery room


Another pain reducer offered at the recovery room is
Normatec, which uses pneumatic compression to expel excess fluid
aching muscles and joints using a choice of leg, arm or hip sleeves for only 20

Komarovsky describes the pneumatic pressure as a kind of
blood pressure monitor. "They have pockets that start at the feet and work
their way up to the leg. He squeezes your legs like a tube of toothpaste. It breaks
up to lactic acid. The original design was for patients who were bedridden
post-operative to help the circulation in their feet, "he says. People with heavy legs feel lighter after 20 minutes
session, Komarovsky adds. He says that diabetics and anyone with circulation
problems can be helped by this.

Ready game

Game Ready significantly reduces pain and increases
circulation in a desired area using contrast effects hot and cold
on the skin. Game Ready sleeves will range from 11 ° C to 38 ° F
degrees F in just 10 seconds.

Komarovsky describes Game Ready as a 15-minute session
that you use whatever your problem area, such as your elbow, your shoulder, your hip or
knee. "It is packed, and a watering hose attached to it sends cold and hot water
through. It's a cold minute, a hot minute. This hot minute and cold minute
The contrast creates a lot of extra traffic in the area, further reducing the
risk of injury, "he says. This technique is widely used for people in
postoperative situations.


The recovery room also offers help in the area of ​​stress and
mental recovery with the NeuroSpa, which is a 15-minute session that allows you
Sit comfortably as the sweet sensations will captivate your body. L & # 39; acoustic
the frequency neutralizes the resistance and communicates directly with the nervous system
system, which gradually relieves tension caused by stress.

In Neurospa, you sit in a weightless chair that
vibrates, wears noise canceling headphones that make the sound
their. A hood is placed over your head, which gives you some privacy. The light is
filtered through. "Light, sound and vibrations synchronize and what
this triggers a response from your brain that helps reduce cortisol, "
Komarovsky added: "So, in a 15-minute session, you'll feel like you're taking a
Nap, and you may not have fallen asleep. You feel much calmer
without drowsiness because you never enter a sleep cycle. It's very
interesting feeling. "

He says it sounds like the sensation you get with flotation
pods but without water, and the Neurospa takes less time.

Komarovsky says that most people go to the recovery room
for the physical side of things but if you are able to turn off the stress
cortisol hormone in your body, you will prepare your body better for recovery
cycle. "And that's really the game we play here. We increase traffic and
decrease inflammation. That's what the majority of things we have here are
made for. "He goes on to say that Neurospa was designed to reduce cortisol
because if this hormone is too high, there are triggers in the body that go
shut down some things, such as your digestive system.

"There is a drop of cortisol pbading through people all the time. Yes
you disable that, it improves your feeling, "says Komarovsky.

Infrared floats and saunas

The Carmel location also offers float tanks and an infrared sauna.
The float is a 45 minute session that allows you to feel weightless when you
float in 10 inches of saturated water of 900 pounds of Epsom salts. This creates
a density that relieves joints, bones and tired muscles.

The infrared sauna lasts 45 minutes.
infrared to heat you from the inside to the outside, resulting in a decrease in
inflammation, decreased cortisol levels and increased circulation.

The recovery room

Which technology is best for me?

Komarovsky says you can use any of the technologies
d & # 39; them. He says anyone who is a candidate for the recovery room. "The
The qualification for us was "do you pay attention to how you feel?"
does it matter to you that you feel better in one way or another? And if people are outside
really curious about whether it's possible to feel better, they're going
stumble on any of these research services, that's why we have such
variety, he says.

Cost and affordability

The salvage room services are incredibly affordable,
according to Komarovsky. "We have a unique offer because no one else has
invested so much in equipment and no one has ever invested so much
in the look of ease and feel, while charging as little as we do. "

The recovery room costs $ 89.99 for an unlimited month
access to all services without commitment. Komarovsky says that some places charge
only for a cryo session. "As for our prices, it's obvious,"
he says. If you want to commit to 12 months, the monthly fee is $ 69.99. day
Pbades are available at a price of $ 39.99 for those who want to try it.

Whether you are an athlete, whether you are recovering from a surgery or
Komarovsky explains that the recovery room can
help you feel better

Where is cryotherapy near my home?

The salvage room is located in Bridgewater Corporate Village, 4654 Kilarney Drive, Carmel, and 200 E. 186th St. A, Westfield. For more information, visit or call (317) 798-8130.

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